[Corpora-List] Google Books, copyrights, and corpora

Geoffrey Sampson grs2 at sussex.ac.uk
Thu Jun 15 09:33:46 UTC 2006

Copyright laws differ greatly from country to country.  Several years
ago I took a legal opinion on how English law as it then stood would
affect corpus research I wanted to engage in; the opinion was quite
complex (several dense pages long), and the upshot of it was highly
liberal -- in broad effect, so long as what I did was not going to
damage the trade of rights holders (which there was no chance of it
doing), I was safe.  But the problem with this is that it is one
barrister's opinion; I am pretty sure that another equally-qualified
lawyer might have been found to express a much less optimistic opinion
(such matters never get finally settled until a case actually goes to
court).  And that is just one country.  So I think it is very hard for a
question like yours to be answered definitely.

In this type of situation, I am a great believer in the maxim that it is
easier to say sorry afterwards than to secure permission in advance.


Geoffrey Sampson

     Prof. Geoffrey Sampson  MA PhD MBCS CITP ILTM

     author of "The 'Language Instinct' Debate"

     Department of Informatics, University of Sussex
     Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, England

     www.grsampson.net     +44 1273 678525

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