[Corpora-List] Phrag installation

John D. Burger john at mitre.org
Thu Mar 16 14:09:28 UTC 2006

Apologies for the late reply.

Samira Ben Dbabis wrote:

> does anyone knows how to install the QANDA Question/Answer system 
> (Phrag) on Red Hat Linux 9.0?

Phrag is actually only one component of Qanda.  It's a fairly simple 
HMM-based phrase tagger, we use it for extracting named entities, 
chunks, etc.  Phrag is a bit moribund, and the distribution you're 
probably using, from http://openchannelsoftware.org/ is especially old 
and creaky.  If you are terrifically interested in that particular 
approach to information extraction, I could prepare a much more recent 
distribution of Phrag.  There are better-maintained extraction systems 
available, however.  In particular, my colleague Ben Wellner has 
recently released a CRF-based tagger, Carafe:


Ben has included models for a number of applications, including 
part-of-speech, chunking, and named entity, the latter in Korean as 
well as English.

If instead what you wanted was a full question answering system, sorry. 
  Our intent was to gradually put all of Qanda onto Open Channel, but 
that never happened.

- John D. Burger

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