[Corpora-List] AMTA 2006 -- CFP

Nizar Habash habash at cs.columbia.edu
Thu Mar 16 23:37:58 UTC 2006

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

                                 AMTA 2006

                          7th Biennial Conference
             Association for Machine Translation in the Americas

                            Boston, August 8-12


Visions for the Future of Machine Translation
The last few years have witnessed major changes in the field of machine
translation. Statistical methods have taken a lead place in the field and
managed to cross the bridge from research to commercial enterprise.
Interest in hybridization has returned.  There is more work on introducing
morphology and syntax into statistical systems to capture linguistic
generalities that seem hard to model statistically. And there is also more
work on introducing statistical resources and techniques into already
existing symbolic systems to increase their robustness.  As each of the
competing paths of statistical and symbolic approaches has reached its
independent potential, the focus now is moving on exploiting
complementarities. These are exciting times! But, the future is not here

So, where are we heading? What will the field be like in 10 years or 20
years? How easily will we be able to move to a new source language or
language pair? What about other modalities besides text such as speech or
OCR output?  Where is the user in all of this? The user as professional
translator or as language educator?  Should the field expand its user base
by reincorporating its core technologies in new directions? How well do the
best systems do under severe restrictions in terms of computer memory and

Call for Papers
We solicit submissions in English for unpublished papers describing original

research on all aspects of Machine Translation. Topics of interest include
are not limited to:

 	* Advances in Statistical MT
 	* Advances in Rule-based MT
 	* Lexicon and grammar building and induction
 	* Hybridization of rule-based MT and statistical MT
 	* MT for resource-poor languages
 	* MT on resource-limited machinery (e.g. PDAs)
 	* Speech to speech or speech to text MT
 	* MT for OCR
 	* MT Evaluation

Papers should not be longer than 10 pages.

Calls for User Sessions, Showcase, Tutorial and Workshop Proposals and Panel
Proposals will be issued separately.

Important Dates
April 10	Submission **intention** deadline for conference papers
 		(abstract [max 200 words] + title + category + author(s)
May 1		Submission deadline for technical papers, 11:59pm EST
June 15	Notification to authors
June 30	Camera-ready copy due
August 8-12	Conference

Program Chairs: Nizar Habash <habash at cs.columbia.edu>
                 and Alon Lavie <alavie at cs.cmu.edu>

Contacts for advance information on User Sessions, Showcase, Tutorial
and Workshop Proposals and Panel Proposals:

User Sessions - Laurie Gerber <lgerber at languageweaver.com>
Showcase - Jennifer Decamp <jdecamp at mitre.org>
Tutorial and Workshop Proposals - Michelle Vanni <mvanni at arl.army.mil>
Panel Proposals - Violetta Cavalli-Sforza <violetta at cs.cmu.edu>

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