[Corpora-List] PIRE program: seeking PhD and post-docs for JHU and Brown University

Valia Kordoni kordoni at CoLi.Uni-SB.DE
Fri Mar 17 09:57:55 UTC 2006

Institution/Organization: Johns Hopkins University/Brown University

Department: Computer Science/Engineering
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics


The combined faculties in speech recognition and natural language 
processing at Johns Hopkins University and Brown University are now 
seeking qualified and motivated graduate students to pursue research in 
the areas of machine translation and the new field of speech 
reconstruction through the PIRE program. Students participating in PIRE 
will not only be provided with funding for their Ph.D. studies in the 
United States, but will have the rare opportunity to spend a semester or 
two studying and conducting  research abroad with the highly reputed 
computational linguists of Charles University (in Prague, Czech 
Republic) and/or Saarland University (in Saarbrücken, Germany). Because 
the program is designed with such international interaction in mind, 
this travel should not delay progress toward their Ph.D.

Interested students must be enrolled full-time at either Johns Hopkins 
University or Brown University. For information regarding application to 
the universities, see the admissions sites and application forms listed 

JHU:   http://gradadmin.as.jhu.edu/graduateapplication/
Brown: http://gradschool.brown.edu/go/admission

Additional questions and interest in participating in the PIRE program 
may be directed to Laura Graham at JHU:

    lgraham at jhu.edu
    Phone:+1 (410) 516-4237
    Fax:  +1 (410) 516-5050

Mailing Address for PIRE Applications:

    Attn: Laura Graham
    JHU Center for Language and Speech Processing
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore MD 21218

   Applications are due by: 13-Jul-2006

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