[Corpora-List] cheerfully unaware

Ramesh Krishnamurthy r.krishnamurthy at aston.ac.uk
Tue Mar 21 11:47:25 UTC 2006

Dear Monika
I suspect this is related to "Ignorance is Bliss" > "blissful 
ignorance", "blissfully ignorant", "ignorant bliss", etc
Ironies We Live By?

At 01:30 21/03/2006, Monika Bednarek wrote:
>Dear all,
>I have a question about the collocation of CHEERFULLY with negative 
>and negated adjectives, such as:
>carried on with the arrangement she was 
>unaware of how great a change in attitude that
>and paper, she and Francis and 
>unreliable string of volunteers threw together every month a
>But her guest 
>unrepentant."I forgot -- I was never
>and you can eat the freshest of fish 
>informal, unlicensed restaurants.Take your own wine
>the style, the language are all put 
>irreverent quotation marks and they are perceived against
>ramshackle atmosphere of the King's Head is an unlikely
>I was always completely 
>rotten, however, and despite various faltering adult
>"They were 
>sick, enticed by the little paper bags, except
>chef stands in good stead, his 
>stained, a generous plate of souvlaki in hand.
>reaching the last four.No-one was 
>downhearted than their Barbarian captain Kari Tapper,
>She was 
>fat, her obesity partly disguised by the fact that
>The ristorante 
>garish, with red-checked tablecloths, plastic flowers,
>been stencilled with designs that were mildly 
>crazy so that to look at them for long made the eyes
>(from BNC)
>Do these all share one meaning or are there subtle meaning 
>differences? And if so, how would you best paraphrase this 
>meaning/these meanings, or (even better) translate them into German? 
>What kind of semantic shift from CHEERFUL ('happy' or 'giving you a 
>feeling of happiness', according to OALD) is going on here?
>Thanks very much - Monika Bednarek

Ramesh Krishnamurthy
Lecturer in English Studies
School of Languages and Social Sciences
Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK
Tel: +44 (0)121-204-3812
Fax: +44 (0)121-204-3766
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