[Corpora-List] Corpus and literature events

Martin Wynne martin.wynne at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Thu Mar 23 15:19:10 UTC 2006


The Arts and Humanities Data Service and the Oxford Text Archive are 
organising two events this year to take forward the study of the 
language of literature using linguistic corpora.

** Oxford Workshop **
Call for participants (registration deadline 7th April 2006)
Oxford University Computing Services, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6NN.
Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th May 2006

** Joensuu Workshop **
Call for participants
Pre-conference workshop at PALA 2006, Joensuu, Finland
Tuesday 25th July 2006


'Corpus Approaches to the Language of Literature' is a two-day workshop 
in Oxford on the 17th and 18th May 2006. This workshop is aimed at 
researchers and teachers in stylistics and literary studies who are 
interested in acquiring more expertise in methods of analysis using 
linguistic corpora, or sharing their experiences of work with corpora. 
Invited speakers are Jonathon Culpeper (Lancaster University), Bill Louw 
(University of Zimbabwe) and Michaela Mahlberg (University of 
Liverpool). Full details and how to register are online at 
http://www.ahds.ac.uk/litlangling/events/approaches/home.htm. There is 
no registration fee for this event, but places are limited and you are 
requested to apply for a place with a supporting statement.

The workshop will aim to exploit the potential for more widespread use 
of corpora in the study of literature. It will be an opportunity to 
disseminate and discuss examples of successful research which has shed 
new light on literary texts through the techniques of corpus 
linguistics. Participants will be armed with arguments, language 
resources, tools and methods to take back to their departments to train 
colleagues and to use in their research and teaching.

The workshop is one of a series of Advanced Workshops funded by the AHRC 
ICT Methods Network (http://www.methodsnetwork.ac.uk/).


There will also be an opportunity to discuss these issues and do the 
hands-on practical work at a further one-day pre-conference workshop on 
Tuesday 25th July at the PALA annual conference in Joensuu. This 
workshop will be suitable both for people who come to the Oxford 
workshop and want to take the discussion further, and for newcomers. 
Invited speakers are Jonathan Culpeper and Michaela Mahlberg. Full 
details of this event are on the conference website at 

The PALA conference will be the most important stylistics conference 
worldwide in 2006. Workshop participants are expected to register for 
the ful conference, and there is an additional fee of 60 euros to 
register for the workshop. The deadline for submission of papers to the 
main PALA conference is 31st March 2006 (see 

For more details about either event, please contact the workshop email 
workshop at ota.ox.ac.uk.

Martin Wynne
Head of the Oxford Text Archive and
AHDS Literature, Languages and Linguistics

Oxford University Computing Services
13 Banbury Road
UK - OX2 6NN
Tel: +44 1865 283299
Fax: +44 1865 273275
martin.wynne at oucs.ox.ac.uk

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