[Corpora-List] semantic role labeling software

Mihai Surdeanu surdeanu at lsi.upc.edu
Thu Mar 30 10:34:42 UTC 2006

Dear all,

I have just released SwiRL, a semantic role labeling system for
English, as GPL. If
interested, you can download it here:


To my knowledge, this is the first free (GPL) semantic role labeler.
Additionally, it doesn't perform too bad: it ranks fifth among the
systems that participated at the CoNLL shared task evaluation.
However, all systems that scored higher were actually combinations of
several individual models, whereas I decided to keep it simple -- a
single model -- for practical purposes.

Since this software just started its public life, I appreciate any bug
reports, requests for missing features, hate messages, etcetera.

Best regards,
Mihai Surdeanu
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

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