[Corpora-List] GATE training course in Sheffield

Hamish Cunningham hamish at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Fri Mar 31 15:54:20 UTC 2006

[Apologies for multiple copies]

The GATE team at the University of Sheffield (http://gate.ac.uk) will
be running a 2-day training course on April 27-28th.

More details: http://gate.ac.uk/training/course-april-2006.html

GATE is a widely-used open source system for text mining, information
extraction, semantic annotation and other language-related tasks.

GATE is...
- like Eclipse for Natural Language Engineering, like Lucene of Information
   Extraction, a leading toolkit for Text Mining
- used worldwide by thousands of scientists, companies, teachers and
- comprised of an architecture, a free open source framework (or SDK),
   graphical development environment and many plugins
- used for all sorts of language processing tasks, including Information
   Extraction in many languages
- funded by the EPSRC, BBSRC, AHRC, the EU and commercial users
- 100% Java, a reference implementation of ISO TC37/SC4 and used with XCES
   in the ANC
- 10 years old in 2005, used in many research projects and interoperable
   with IBM's UIMA
- based on MVC, mobile code, continuous integration, and test-driven
   development, with code hosted on SourceForge


Dr. Hamish Cunningham
Senior Research Scientist
Department of Computer Science
University of Sheffield
Regent Court
211 Portobello St.
Sheffield  S1 4DP
United Kingdom

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