[Corpora-List] Text mining research position, University of Manchester

John McNaught John.McNaught at manchester.ac.uk
Fri May 12 16:19:15 UTC 2006


One Research Associate is required for an EC 6th Framework Information Society 
Technologies collaborative project entitled: Bootstrapping of Ontologies and 
Terminologies (www.bootstrep.eu) The project aims at building reusable 
wide-coverage lexical, conceptual and factual knowledge resources for the 
biology domain, to support text mining. This involves both exploiting
existing terminological resources and automatically acquiring new terms and 
concepts and associated linguistic information from the vast amount of 

The main functions of the Research Associate are to work in relevant aspects
of natural language processing, text mining, machine learning, terminology and 
ontological engineering, including:

   * Gathering, normalising and categorising terminologies from bioinformatics
databases and  linking them to textual resources using automated text mining 
   * Populating a bio-lexicon using a combination of machine learning based text
mining techniques
   * Populating a bio-ontology using a combination of lexical and statistical
   * The software infrastructure needed  for text analysis which will allow ease
of integration of components, pipelining of components and definition of 
workflows in a GRID environment

The duration of the post is 24 months from 1st June 2006 or asap after this 
date. Salary will be within the range of £20,842 - £30,607 per annum

The successful candidate will work in a local team with 2 other researchers, 
and will also work closely with the National Centre for Text Mining 
(http://www.nactem.ac.uk) and with researchers from the Manchester 
Interdisciplinary Biocentre (http://www.mib.ac.uk). Some European travel may be 
required to attend project meetings.

Applicants must have a postgraduate degree (preferably a PhD) or equivalent 
research experience with emphasis in text mining or a related topic. Candidates 
should also have a good working knowledge of natural language processing and 
good programming skills. Knowledge of ontologies or machine learning techniques 
would be an advantage.

Further particulars and details of how to apply are available at:


Closing date: 26 May 2006

Informal enquiries to: Dr Sophia Ananiadou on +44 (0)161 306 3092 or email 
Sophia.Ananiadou at manchester.ac.uk

Please quote reference HUM/60077 in all correspondence.

John McNaught
Associate Director
National Centre for Text Mining

School of Informatics
University of Manchester      	mail: John.McNaught at manchester.ac.uk
PO Box 88	           
Sackville Street          	tel: +44.161.306.3098
Manchester                	fax: +44.161.306.1281
M60 1QD				web: www.nactem.ac.uk
UK				     www.informatics.manchester.ac.uk

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