[Corpora-List] CfP 2007 European SFL Conference/Workshop, Germany

Stella Neumann st.neumann at mx.uni-saarland.de
Wed Nov 8 09:46:56 UTC 2006

(for a PDF version of this email, see:


     19th European Systemic Functional Linguistics
            Conference and Workshop

               23rd-25th July 2007
              Saarbrücken, Germany



We invite submission of abstracts of papers for presentation at the



Data and interpretation in linguistic analysis

Traditionally, linguists approach their object of research using
hermeneutic methods. As the often introspective interpretation
involved may be difficult to follow, results are frequently not
replicable.  For reasons of cost involved, this methodology often
allows the interpretation of a restricted number of examples only,
even if the researcher is interested in language in use. Therefore,
inductive methodologies of the sciences and social sciences have
gained some influence on linguistic research. These inductive
methodologies, however, sometimes make us blind to the fact that data
need to be interpreted at some point. What is more, the data itself
may already involve interpretation, as in annotated corpora. In terms
of its underlying philosophy, Systemic Functional Linguistics allows
the combination of both: a genuinely humanities-based approach to
interpreting data combined with empirical methodologies taking
advantage of electronic corpora together with computational tools and
techniques for the study of language in use.



Papers on the topics below will be welcomed, though the following is
by no means an exhaustive list, and in keeping with tradition, papers
not strictly related to the theme or outside of the SFL perspective
will also be considered.

1. Corpora and other types of data for analysis

2. Example-based studies and generalizability

3. The role of interpretation in
    - phonology
    - lexicogrammar
    - semantics
    - discourse

4. Cohesion and coherence - the relative importance of interpretation
    in both

5. Interpretation in non-linguistic modes (i.e. visual, musical etc.)

6. Socio-cultural positions of power and interpretation

7. Contrast between languages or varieties and the (in)dependence
    of/on interpretation

8. Context of Situation and Context of Culture as frames for and
    constraints on interpretation

9. Learning or teaching a new language: new interpretations, or just
    new ways of expression?

10. Translation: Changing the encoding, and/or changing the interpretation?

Presentations will be of 20 minutes duration plus question time. An
additional poster session may be created to accommodate demos and
other suitable presentations. There will be a book of abstracts
accompanying the conference. Additionally, we plan to publish selected



There will be space for one or two half day workshops covering a
specific topic in a hands-on session. We therefore invite proposals of
approximately 1000 words describing the topic and approach.



All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by two reviewers. Please
send submissions by email to ESFLCW at uni-saarland.de specifying "ESFLCW
submission" in the subject line and providing:

  - For each author: name, title, affiliation in the body of the mail
  - Title of paper
  - Abstract (approximately 400 words) (workshop proposal approximately
    1000 words)



  - Abstract submission: 31st January 2007
  - Notification of acceptance: 15th March 2007
  - Early registration: 30th April 2007

For those attending the ISFC in Odense, please note that we have
scheduled our ESFLCW to follow the Odense congress, with the week-end
free for travel between Odense and Saarbrücken.



Stig Johansson (University of Oslo)
John Bateman (University of Bremen)
Miriam Taverniers (Ghent University)


Peggy Daut
Silvia Hansen-Schirra
Kerstin Kunz
Stella Neumann
Erich Steiner
Mihaela Vela


John Bateman
Silvia Hansen-Schirra
Stig Johansson
Kerstin Kunz
Stella Neumann
Mick O’Donnell
Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen
Robert Spence
Erich Steiner
Christopher Taylor
Elke Teich
Geoff Thompson
Eija Ventola



Landessportschule (Saarland Sports College) on the University Campus


We are planning an excursion on Thursday, 26th July 2007.
see http://www.uni-saarland.de/ESFLCW/travel.html


A limited number of inexpensive rooms will be available at the
conference site. We recommend those participants with a tight budget
to register at their earliest convenience. Additional accommodation
will be in single or double rooms in the Youth Hostel and in hotels in
the city centre.



Conference Website: http://www.uni-saarland.de/ESFLCW

e-mail: Please specify ESFLCW in the subject line for all communication.

General: ESFLCW at uni-saarland.de

Organisational matters: Peggy Daut (p.daut at mx.uni-saarland.de)
Academic matters: Stella Neumann (st.neumann at mx.uni-saarland.de)
Erich Steiner (e.steiner at mx.uni-saarland.de)

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