[Corpora-List] Re: Installing R-2.x.y on a unix system

Petr Šimon petr.simon at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 00:02:22 UTC 2006

Hello Daniel,
This means that ./configure didn't manage to create Makefile. Probably you are
missing some dependencies. Check the output of ./configure and install what's missing.
You can also try to use the binary for your distribution available from
R's mirrors.
Good luck

+++ Daniel Wiechmann [10/10/06 16:33 +0200]:
>From: Daniel Wiechmann <daniel.wiechmann at uni-jena.de>
>Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:33:21 +0200
>Subject: [Corpora-List] Installing R-2.x.y on a unix system
>Dear all,
>does anybody out there use the R 2.x.y statistics suite on a unix platform? I
>am having trouble installing it ("Ubuntu i386 dapper"-distribution)...
>The installation guide suggests that  -having unpacked the package- all you
>need to do is switch to the appropriate directory and apply
>'./configure' and 'make' (...how hard can it be?)
>However, while './configure' causes no serious problems, I am unable to execute
>the 'make' command (btw, 'make' works fine with other applications)
>so, this is what I get after './configure':
>daniel at dw-linux:~/R-2.4.0$ make
>make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
>Any help would be tremendously appreciated ;)

Petr Šimon 

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He who binds to himself a joy
Does the winged life destroy;
But he who kisses the joy as it flies
Lives in eternity's sun rise.
			William Blake

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