[Corpora-List] Fwd: Call For Participation: Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science

Shlomo Argamon argamon at iit.edu
Thu Oct 12 03:16:50 UTC 2006

Apologies for multiple postings...

                      What to Do with a Million Books:
         Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science.

                            NOVEMBER 5-6, 2006

                            Ida Noyes Hall
                         1212 East 59th Street
                        The University of Chicago
                             Chicago, IL

Registration deadline: OCTOBER 23, 2006

The goal of this colloquium is to bring together researchers and scholars
in the Humanities and Computer Sciences to examine the current state of
Digital Humanities as a field of intellectual inquiry and to identify
and explore new directions and perspectives for future research.

In the wake of recent large-scale digitization projects aimed at providing
universal access to the world's vast textual repositories, humanities
scholars, librarians and computer scientists find themselves newly
challenged to make these resources functional and meaningful.

Digitizing "a million books" poses far more than just technical
challenges. Tomorrow, a million scholars will have to re-evaluate their
notions of archive, textuality and materiality in the wake of recent
developments. How will the humanities scholar and the computer scientist
find ways to collaborate in the "Age of Google?"

COLLOQUIUM PROGRAM: http://dhcs.uchicago.edu/program

Application deadline: OCTOBER 16, 2006

We are very pleased to be able to offer $500 towards transporation
expenses and four nights paid lodging to three graduate students
who wish to participate in the DHCS Colloquium. For more information,
please consult: http://dhcs.uchicago.edu/student_grants


Greg Crane, Professor of Classics and Editor-in-Chief of the Perseus
Project, Tufts University

Ben Shneiderman, founding Director of the Human-Computer Interaction
Laboratory and Professor of Computer Science, University of Maryland

John Unsworth, Dean of the Graduate School of Library and Information
Science and Professor of English, University of Illinois at


For more information or to register, visit http://dhcs.uchicago.edu or
email dhcs-conference_at_listhost.uchicago.edu

Sponsored by
The Humanities Division and the Computation Institute at the University of
The College of Science and Letters, and the Computer Science and
Humanities Departments
at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Shlomo Argamon, Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, IL 60616, USA

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