[Corpora-List] FW: Massive searchable databases of personal names in the UK (currently living people)

Kate Beeching Kate.Beeching at uwe.ac.uk
Tue Oct 24 10:56:36 UTC 2006


From: Richard Coates
Sent: Mon 23/10/2006 4:14 PM

Dear colleagues,
It's a very long shot, but do any of you have access to such a database in the public domain, or can you direct me to news of one? Only the names are required, no other personal details of any sort at all. Or slightly more plausibly, do you know of a private one which could be used for research purposes (under suitable conditions)?

Thanks if so.
Richard Coates
Richard Coates
Professor of Linguistics ~ Professor of Onomastics
School of Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies
University of the West of England
(Frenchay campus)
Bristol BS16 1QY, UK
e: Richard.Coates at uwe.ac.uk
t: +44 (0)117 328 3278 (internal 83278)
f: +44 (0)117 328 2295

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