[Corpora-List] Microsoft patents verb conjugations

Emmanuel PROCHASSON eprochasson at free.fr
Thu Sep 7 12:03:47 UTC 2006

Martin Wynne a écrit :
> I think we all need to be a bit more careful what we write and say 
> now, unless we want to face hefty bills from MS. I suggest run all 
> text through an automatic verb lemmatizer to make sure that we can not 
> be accuse of conjugate verbs. Unless there be a patent on lemmatizers... 

Hehe :) Take care, hasn't Brill Tagger been developped at MS Labs ?
More seriously, anyone can pattent anything (which cost a lot of money) 
but that kind of patent won't ever be applied since prior art existence 
is obvious.

This is just an occasion for Microsoft to show to the world that they 
have been working on NLP and for the patent office to make more money.

(Note that in France, "methods for working 35 hours a week" has been 
patented by AFUL :)

Emmanuel Prochasson

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