[Corpora-List] starting a machine translation project

Nano Surbakti nano.surbakti at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 08:26:14 UTC 2006


We want to start an English-Indonesian MT project. We found that
there is an opensource MT toolkit, "Moses", in http://www.statmt.org

I don't know much about machine translation. From some articles I've
been reading, it looks like Statistical translation method is a rather
easy but yet produce a reasonable result.

I got some newbie-like questions:
- Our main purpose is to make an opensource English-to-Indonesian MT,
can we use Moses for this purpose, or perhaps Moses is specific for
Foreign-to-English translation only?
- AFAIK, we have to provide bilingual corpus to do the statistical
training. Some articles mentioned about "phrase translation". Do we
need to provide some kind of phrase table, or perhaps it is generated
automatically by a special program?
- If we can't use Moses, do you have some guidance for us, perhaps
like some pointers to opensource toolkit?
- As a rough prediction, how many months is it going take to develop
an "early-version" of English-to-ForeignLanguage MT ?


Nano Surbakti
(sorry if you got double posting)

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