[Corpora-List] Searching for an email corpus...

Sabine Bartsch bartsch at linglit.tu-darmstadt.de
Fri Apr 6 13:52:30 UTC 2007

Dear Ute,

there is a corpus compiled for a project on junk e-mails at 
Wolverhampton (project leader Ramesh Krishnamurty):


Then there's a corpus of the W3C lists processed at the University of 
Maryland for TRECENT 2005:


Not sure what the copyright constraints are, the web pages don't mention 
this issue at first glance.

Best wishes and happy Easter holidays,


Ute Römer wrote:
> Dear All,
> Does anyone know of a freely available corpus of English language emails 
> (other than the Enron Email Corpus) that I might be allowed to use for 
> teaching purposes -- preferably for offline use (so my students could 
> explore it using corpus tools such as WordSmith or Collocate)? 
> Thanks and best wishes -- and Happy Easter!
> Ute
> ************************************************************
> Dr. Ute Römer
> English Department
> Leibniz University of Hanover
> Königsworther Platz 1
> 30167 Hannover
> Germany
> Phone: +49 (0)511 762 2997
> Fax: +49 (0)511 762 2996
> Please note NEW e-mail address: ute.roemer at engsem.uni-hannover.de 
> <mailto:ute.roemer at engsem.uni-hannover.de>
> http://www.uteroemer.com <http://www.uteroemer.com/>
> http://www.engsem.uni-hannover.de/angli/

Dr. Sabine Bartsch
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Institut für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft,
Englische Linguistik
Hochschulstr. 1         64289 Darmstadt
Fon: +49-6151-16 4570   Fax: +49-6151-16 3694

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