[Corpora-List] New journal in Cognitive Linguistics: CogniTextes
Guillaume Desagulier
gdesagulier at univ-paris8.fr
Fri Apr 13 10:07:11 UTC 2007
(Apologies for multiple postings)
The French Association for Cognitive Linguistics (AFLiCo) is pleased to
launch a call for contributions to their on-line, peer-reviewed journal
CogniTextes. The journal is a forum for scientific exchange among
researchers in France and beyond working in, or with an interest in,
Cognitive Linguistics.
CogniTextes is one of the first on-line, peer-reviewed journals in
Cognitive Linguistics. Its editors, and its editorial board of
internationally renowned scholars, vouch for the scientific quality of
the journal. On-line access to the full text of the articles is free.
On-line publishing allows articles to include audio and/or video clips
which the reader can listen to or view without leaving the text. This
facility is invaluable for illustrating research in fields such as sign
language or gesture.
CogniTextes publishes articles in English and French. Authors need not
be AFLiCo members.
Maarten Lemmens, University of Lille 3
Guillaume Desagulier, University of Paris 8
Diana Lewis, University of Lyon 2
Stéphanie Bonnefille, University of Tours
Philippe Gréa, University of Paris 10
Jean-Baptiste Guignard, 'Institut de Cognitique' of Compiègne
Michel Achard, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
Benjamin K. Bergen, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, USA
Stéphanie Bonnefille, University of Tours, France
Frank Brisard, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Cristiano Broccias, University of Genoa, Italy
Pierre Encrevé, EHESS, Paris, France
Liesbeth Degand, University of Louvain, Belgium
Nicole Delbecque, University of Leuven, Belgium
Dagmar Divjak, University of Sheffield, UK
Gaëtanelle Gilquin, University of Louvain, Belgium
Stefan Th. Gries, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Willem Hollmann, University of Lancaster, UK
Michel de Fornel, EHESS, Paris, France
Bernard Laks, University of Paris 10 at Nanterre, France
Jean-Rémi Lapaire, University of Bordeaux, France
Anatol Stefanowitsch, University of Bremen, Germany
Cognitive Linguistics is an umbrella term for a number of related
theories including Cognitive Grammar, (Radical) Construction Grammar,
Conceptual Metaphor Theory, Conceptual Blending Theory, etc. Unlike
so-called formal theories of language, such as Generative Grammar and
its derivatives, all these approaches adopt a usage-based view of
language in that they claim that our linguistic knowledge, from the most
concrete level to the most abstract, derives from usage. Cognitive
Linguistics emphasizes the symbolic nature of grammar, which is viewed
not as an autonomous system of representation, but rather as an
inventory of symbolic units that organize conceptual content in a
conventional manner. Each symbolic form thus captures some
socio-physical or conceptual human experience.
Cognitive Linguistics has something in common with certain cognitivist
theories developed mainly in France over recent decades, such as the
Theory of Metaoperations, the Theory of Enunciative Operations and the
recent Theory of Semantic Forms. For their interest to the wider
cognitive linguistic research community, CogniTextes welcomes
contributions that are inspired by these theories, and that explore
points of convergence and divergence between Cognitive Linguistics and
cognitivist approaches of the French tradition. As its name suggests,
CogniTextes also welcomes papers on stylistics and discourse structure
from a cognitive perspective.
The primary goal of CogniTextes is to provide a publication forum for
researchers in the cognitive linguistic tradition as represented by the
International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA), with which
AFLiCo is officially affiliated. The editorial board of CogniTextes has
been selected with a view to ensuring both the quality of the
publication and its relevance to Cognitive Linguistics.
please visit http://aflico.asso.univ-lille3.fr
to ensure prompt review, manuscripts should be submitted electronically
to: aflico at univ-lille3.fr
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