[Corpora-List] Romanian tagger

Eckhard Bick eckhard.bick at mail.dk
Fri Apr 27 07:48:30 UTC 2007

I would like to thank everybody who answered my question regarding 
taggers/parsers for Romanian.
As usual, here's a short summary:

David Reitter suggested Dan Tufis' system: 
http://www.infoiasi.ro/bin/view/Structure/tufis, and we subsequently got 
a lot of help and information from Dan himself.

Oana Frunza and Yannick Versley both suggested the balie tagger and NE 
recognizer at http://balie.sourceforge.net/

Thanks again,

Eckhard Bick,
cand.med., dr.phil.
University of Southern Denmark
e-mail: eckhard.bick at mail.dk
web: http://beta.visl.sdu.dk

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