[Corpora-List] CFP: Workshop on Finding the Hidden Knowledge: Text mining for biology and medicine

Benjamin Hachey bhachey at inf.ed.ac.uk
Tue Dec 4 12:04:47 UTC 2007

Call for Posters Including a Post-Graduate Poster Competition:
Biomedical Text Mining and Collaboration

***Notification of acceptance: 4 February 2008***
***Workshop Dates: 21-22 February 2008***


fthk2008 at googlemail.com

In connection with the workshop Finding the Hidden Knowledge: 
Text mining for biology and medicine, to be held in Glasgow 
(Scotland) 21-22 February 2008, there will be a hosted poster 
session with refreshments and prizes for the best student 

Judges for the competition will be drawn from the 
internationally-known researchers who will be speaking or 
participating in panels at the workshop, including:

Doug Armstrong, University of Edinburgh
William Hayes, Biogen Idec, Cambridge, MA
Lawrence Hunter, University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine
Peter Jackson, Thomson Corporation
Mark Liberman, Linguistics Data Consortium (University of Pennsylvania)
John Pestian, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Jun'ichi Tsujii, University of Tokyo & University of Manchester

Researchers and post-graduate students are encouraged to submit 
posters on their research on text mining, methods which could be 
adapted for text mining, or aspects of biomedical research which 
could benefit from text mining. Creativity and imagination are 

***Poster abstract submission deadline: 21 January 2008***

Abstracts should be in MSWord or PDF format and no longer than 
300 words. The submission should include the title, authors, 
affilation, contact details for the corresponding author, and 
the description of the poster (abstract). The posters chosen 
based on this abstract will be displayed at the workshop and 
included into a workshop booklet.

For more information and news updates:


fthk2008 at googlemail.com

Workshop on Finding the Hidden Knowledge:
Text mining for biology and medicine

Dates:    21-22 February 2008
Location: Kelvin Gallery, Glasgow University, Glasgow, Scotland
Price:    40 GBP (10 GPB for students)

The electronic availability of biomedical publications has led 
to a surge of interest in using text mining (TM) as a way of 
accessing this ever expanding knowledge store. It is clear that 
future advances in understanding of biomedical issues will rely 
on the discovery of interconnections of data and models, which 
are as yet unrecognised. TM will provide a major contribution to 
joining up diverse experimental evidence and will give new 
insights into biological processes. Assembling a picture of the 
mechanisms of life in a systems or pathway context, for example, 
can be greatly facilitated by the use of tools such as 
intelligent search and knowledge distillation over very large 
document collections. However, effective tools require 
cooperation between the designers and the users. This workshop 
aims to bring the biomedical and TM communities together by 
showcasing the possible applications of TM while opening up 
dialogue that will facilitate specification of use cases to 
drive the next generation of applications.

Some key questions that the workshop will address are: Is there 
such a thing as an ultimate TM application or are individual 
solutions needed for each problem? What are the common 
difficulties in eliciting user requirements and what are the 
solutions? Is TM really the way forward, or are the 
higher-precision hand-curated databases and ontologies more 
practical? What are the specific challenges for TM in the 
biomedical domain? How can TM technology be successfully 
incorporated into research and curation workflows despite being 

What to expect

- Two days of talks by leading international speakers from
   academia and industry (backgrounds to include biology,
   medicine, pharmaceuticals, bioinformatics, ontologies and text

- Poster/demo sessions for participants to present recent work
   and specific information needs

- Ample time for informal discussion and networking including a
   reception with wine and food

Target Audience

- Biomedical Text Mining Community
- Larger Bioinformatics Community
- Life and Health Science Communities


David Gilbert, Bioinformatics Research Centre, University of Glasgow
Claire Grover, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Ben Hachey, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Chris Janssen, Scottish Bioinformatics Forum
Ewan Klein, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Tamara Polajnar, Bioinformatics Research Centre, University of Glasgow
Bonnie Webber, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

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