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Alessandro Oltramari oltramari at loa-cnr.it
Thu Dec 27 14:08:27 UTC 2007

Apologies for Multiple Postings


 OntoLex 2008 - The role of ontolex resources in building the infrastructure
  Web  3.0: vision and practice

 31 May 2008

 Palais des Congrès Mansour Eddahbi
 Marrakech (Morocco) 

In Association with
LREC2008 http://www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2008/

Main conference 28-29-30 May 2008

The integration of ontologies and lexical resources can be seen as a new
route across which hybrid agents negotiate contents and exchange linguistic
and ontological aspects of knowledge in shared environments. In this
workshop we aim at investigating the role of ontolex resources across
developing ideas and practice of Web 3.0, the connection of Web 2.0 (the
‘social web’) with the Semantic Web infrastructure of ontology-based
standards and technologies. 

The workshop will address the following specific topics of interest:
• Integrating multimedia into ontolex resources
• Cooperative construction of ontolex resources
• Linguistic interfaces for Semantic Web applications
• Exploiting ontolex resources in social networking 
• Web-Corpus linguistics for OntoLex Resource building

As well as the following general topics: 
• Ontology-driven meta-models for multilingual lexica
• Evaluation of ontolex resources in NLP tasks
• Evaluation of ontologies for building ontolex resources
• Ontology-driven annotation of corpora for ontology learning
• Design principles for the integrated representation of lexical and
ontological knowledge
• Open-source platforms for ontolex resources

Reasons of interest

The workshop is addressed to researchers and practitioners from a variety of
backgrounds – Semantic Web, AI, Machine Learning, NLP, Information Retrieval
– that are concerned with the representation and use of lexical knowledge in
semantic annotation, ontology-based approaches to information extraction,
ontology learning, ontology matching, etc. Originating in 2000 from a
visionary initiative of Kiryakov and Simov, and “historically” hosted by
LREC (2002-2004-2006), OntoLex has recently turned into a yearly workshop
(IJCNLP 2005, ISWC 2007) for a growing interdisciplinary community of
lexicographers, ontologists and computational linguists who recognize it de
facto as their common ‘meeting room’. This year’s edition aims at raising
the issue of ontolex resources in Web 3.0 to foster the discussion about
next-generation ontolex tools, on the basis of state-of-the-art technologies
and ongoing projects within the LREC community.

 Important dates

 11 February 2008: Deadline for extended abstract submission 
 10 March 2008: Acceptance notifications and preliminary program 
 31 March 2008: Camera-ready papers deadline 
 31 May 2008: Workshop submissions

Participants are invited to submit an extended abstract of max 1000 words
related to one or more topics of interest to the following address:
The final paper should not exceed 5000 words. Each accepted paper will
receive a slot of 40 minutes for presentation (30 minutes talk and 10
minutes for discussion).

Organising Committee

Alessandro Oltramari
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC-CNR)
Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA) 
Povo (TN), Italy
Laurent Prévot
Toulouse, France

Chu-Ren Huang
Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica
Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 

Paul Buitelaar
Language Technology Lab & Competence Center Semantic Web Saarbrücken,

Piek Vossen
Piek Vossen 
Faculteit der Letteren Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1105

Programme Committee

Guido Vetere, IBM Center for Advanced Studies, Rome, Italy
Armando Stellato, Università di Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Luisa Bentivogli, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Povo (Trento), Italy
Aldo Gangemi, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (CNR), Rome, Italy
Nancy Ide, Department of Computer Science, Vassar College – USA
Christiane Fellbaum, Princeton University, USA
Andrea Schalley, University of New England, Australia 
Nigel Collier, National Institute of Informatics, Japan 
Asanee Kawtrakul, NECTEC, Thailand
Sujian Li, Peking University, China
Tokunaga Takenobu, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Qin Lu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 
Shu-Kai Hsieh, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan  
John Bateman,  University of Bremen, Germany
Philipp Cimiano, Karlsruhe University, Germany
Paola Velardi, University of Rome, Italy
Johanna Voelker, Karlsruhe University, Germany
Chris Welty, IBM, USA
Alessandro Lenci, University of Pisa, Italy
Atanas Kiryakov, Ontotext, Bulgaria
Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, IRIT-CNRS, Toulouse, France
Wim Peters, University of Sheffield – United Kingdom

Contact person:
Alessandro Oltramari
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC-CNR)
Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA) 
Povo (TN) Italy

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