[Corpora-List] wordlist-similarity tools in Java?

Mark A. Greenwood mark at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Fri Feb 23 13:59:30 UTC 2007


We've developed a Java bridge to the perl WordNet similarity package 
which can be found at http://nlp.shef.ac.uk/result/software.html

it can be a bit tricky to set up but once working allows you to use the 
Perl libraries easily from Java. I'm currently in the middle of writing 
a pure Java version of the similarity measures which should be a 
drop-in-replacement for our existing package when it's finished. 
Although as yet I don't know when that will be.

Hope that is of some help,


Mark A. Greenwood
Research Associate in Natural Language Processing
Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
WWW: http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~mark/

Eric Atwell wrote:
> Stella Kleanthous, Leeds PhD student, asked me for a Java tool/resource 
> to measure the semantic similarity between two lists of (English) words. 
> I directed her at WordNet-Similarity:
> http://www.d.umn.edu/~tpederse/similarity.html
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/wn-similarity
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/WordNet-Similarity/
> BUT this is Perl software;  has anyone implemented similar in Java?
> (which Stella (and others) could integrate into Java programs?)
> thanks
> Eric Atwell, Senior Lecturer, Language research group leader, School of 
> Computing, Faculty of Engineering, University of Leeds, LEEDS LS2 9JT, 
> England
> TEL: 0113-3435430  FAX: 0113-3435468  WWW: just Google eric atwell

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