[Corpora-List] Spanish POS tagger

Jose Maria Gomez Hidalgo jmgomez at uem.es
Wed Jan 24 16:31:39 UTC 2007

Hi, Mario

The obvious answer is Freeling, and opensource language analysis package 
that includes postagging, lemmatization, and even named entity 
recognition and some parsing.


Also you can train your own tagger using e.g. the Crater corpus and e. 

Best regards

	Jose Maria

José María Gómez Hidalgo - Computer Systems, Head
Universidad Europea de Madrid - Villaviciosa de Odon, 28670 Madrid, SPAIN
+34 91 2115670 - jmgomez at uem.es - http://www.esp.uem.es/jmgomez

Mario Crespo Miguel escribió:
> Dear everybody,
> First of all I would like to thank all the people who always help me 
> when I am in trouble. Now (as always) I would like to make a question: 
> does anybody know about a Free POS tagger for Spanish. I've tried the 
> Spanish TreeTagger of the Stuttgart University, but I does not tag my 
> language properly (almost everything is tagged as noun). Thank you very 
> much again. All the best,
> Mario Crespo Miguel

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