[Corpora-List] ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Erratum

Hélène Mazo mazo at elda.org
Fri Jun 1 13:26:17 UTC 2007

Our apologies if you have received multiple copies of this announcement.

*ERRATUM:* Wrong URL links were included in this announcement sent to 
you yesterday. The current posting contains the corrected links. Please 
discard the previous posting.
We would like to  apologize for the misleading information.

ELRA - Language Resources Catalogue - Update

ELRA is happy to announce that 2 new Speech Resources, 1 Written Corpus 
and 1 Monolingual Lexicon are now available in its catalogue.

*ELRA-S0238 MIST Multi-lingual Interoperability in Speech Technology 
*The MIST Multi-lingual Interoperability in Speech Technology database 
comprises the recordings of 74 native Dutch speakers (52 males, 22 
females) who uttered 10 sentences in Dutch, English, French and German, 
including 5 sentences per language identical for all speakers and 5 
sentences per language per speaker unique. Dutch sentences are 
orthographically annotated.
For more information, see: 

*ELRA-S0239 N4 (NATO Native and Non Native) database
*The (NATO Native and Non Native) database comprises speech data 
recorded in the naval transmission training centers of four countries 
(Germany, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, and Canada) during naval 
communication training sessions in 2000-2002. The material consists of 
native and non-native speakers using NATO Naval English procedure 
between ships, and reading from a text, "The North Wind and the Sun," in 
both English and the speaker's native language. The audio material was 
recorded on DAT and downsampled to 16kHz-16bit, and all the audio files 
have been manually transcribed and annotated with speakers identities 
using the tool, Transcriber.
For more information, see: 

*ELRA-W0047 Catalan Corpus of News Articles
*The Catalan Corpus of News Articles comprises articles in Catalan from 
1 January 1999 to 31 March 2007. These articles are grouped per 
trimester without chronological order inside.
For more information, see: 

*ELRA-L0075 Bulgarian Linguistic Database
*This database contains 81,647 entries in Bulgarian with a linguistic 
environment tool (for WINDOWS XP). The data may be used for 
morphological analysis and synthesis, syntactic agreement checking, 
phonetic stress determining.
For more information, see: 

For more information on the catalogue, please contact Valérie Mapelli 
mailto:mapelli at elda.org

Our on-line catalogue has moved to the following address: 
http://catalog.elra.info. Please update your bookmarks.

Cordialement/Kind regards,

Helene Mazo 		
Communication & Marketing
55-57, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013 Paris FRANCE
Tel: (+33) 1 43 13 33 34 (direct) 
Fax: (+33) 1 43 13 33 30

www.elra.info or www.elda.org
LREC Conferences: www.lrec-conf.org

Check the new interface of our catalogue of LRs:

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