[Corpora-List] Search Wordsmith by tag passive voice

Georg Marko georg.marko at uni-graz.at
Thu Mar 1 09:57:35 UTC 2007

Dear Linda,

I just tried a search (on a different corpus, but also one with the same 
tag set, even though the tags are attached to the ending rather than to 
the beginning of words). Anyway the following should work:

> <w VBD>* <w VVN>  I put * after the first tag to mean any form of BE

<w VB*

This should include all forms of be (I think VBD just refers to the past 
tense and does not occur on its own just as VBDZ for was, and VBDR for were)

<w VVN>*

This should include any word classified as a past participle.
So the search string <w VB* <w VVN>* should work, maybe also <w VB* and 
<w VVN>* as context word (with horizon 0/2), because this would also 
cover passives with an adverb intervening between the auxiliary and the 
participle (e.g. was really adopted).

I may have made a mistake here myself...

Best regards


                                 "I drew a treasure map on your hand"
                                                            Ani diFranco

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