[Corpora-List] Call for Papers JLC 2007 - English version

williams geoffrey.williams at univ-ubs.fr
Fri Mar 16 09:10:36 UTC 2007

Call for papers

Following queries as to the

5èmes Journées de la Linguistique de Corpus

5th French Corpus Linguistics Days
Lorient, 13 – 15 septembre 2007

We are pleased to give the following information in English.

The French Corpus Linguistics Days were launched first in 2001. As from 
2005 it has been decided to make them biennial. They were essentially 
created to bring together those working in French or on the French 
language, but have now expanded and can now accept papers in English. 
The objective is to maintain a small friendly conference aimed at 
exchanging ideas on all aspects of corpus linguistics. We are more than 
happy to accept communications in English – past speakers have included 
Professor Elena Tognini Bonelli and Professor Wolfgang Teubert, both of 
whom spoke in English, but contributed to the ensuing debvate in both 
The working language of the event will be French(not English as was 
mistakenly included in the last call).We cannot provide translation or 
interpretation services and the working documents will be in French.

The event will run from the 13th to the 15th September 2007.

Proposals on all aspects of Corpus Linguistics should be sent to the 
above address by 2Oth April 2007.

The organisers of the conference wish to express their sadness on the 
death of Professor John Sinclair, member of the Scientific Committee of 
this event. John was an ardent supporter from the outset. He was an 
inspiration to us all and he will be greatly missed by all involved in 
corpus studies. All the committee will be thinking of Elena and the 
children at this sad time. Tributes will be made during the event.

Extra information will be posted, in French, on the conference website.


Plenary papers will be given by:

Olivier Baude, Université d'Orleans, France.
André Salem, Université de Paris 3, France.
Alan Partington, Université de Bologne, Italie.

Proposals of two pages maximum should be send to:

Journée « Linguistique de corpus
Geoffrey Williams
Département d’Ingénierie du Document.
U.F.R. Lettres et Sciences Humaines
4 rue Jean Zay,
BP 92116,
56321 LORIENT Cedex

or by email to : Geoffrey.Williams at univ-ubs.fr


Deadline 20 April 2007

Notification 20 May 2007

Final version for pre-proceedings 13 July 2007

Organising committee

Président : Geoffrey Williams, ADICORE, Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient

Jean-Yves Antoine, Université de Tours.

Nathalie Gasiglia, Université de Lille3.

Thomas Lebarbé, Université de Grenoble.

Christophe Ropers, Université de Bretagne Sud, Lorient.

Delphine Séguin, Université de Bretagne Sud

Nathalie Dugales, Université de Rennes 1.

Scientific Committee

Pierre Arnaud, Professeur. CRTT, Université Lyon II.

Mireille Bilger, Professeur. Université de Perpignan.

Claire Blanche-Benveniste, Professeur Emérite. GARS, Université
d’Aix en Provence.

Thierry Fontenelle. Dr. Microsoft, US et EURALEX.

Sylviane Granger. Professeur. Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique.

François Rastier. Directeur de recherche, UMR 7114 CNRS-Paris X.

Claude Sionis, Professeur. Université de Limoges.

Wolfgang Teubert. Professeur. Université de Birmingham, Royaume Uni.

Agnès Tutin, Dr. Université de Grenoble.

John Sinclair , Professeur Emérite, Université de Birmingham, Royaume
Uni, Directeur Tuscan Word Centre, Italie.

Elena Tognini-Bonelli, Professeur. Université de Sienne, Italie.

geoffrey.williams at univ-ubs.fr
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