[Corpora-List] Sorry, my mistake, I need a Context-DEPENDENT grammar simulator

Lluis Padro padro at lsi.upc.edu
Thu Apr 10 10:49:17 UTC 2008

En/na stefano federici ha escrit:
> Sorry, I have to apologize. What I need is a context-DEPENDENT grammar 
> simulator. I'm sorry for the mistake. Are NLTK and FreeLing
> suitable to show how such grammars do work?
     No, FreeLing is only able to deal with CFGs, though the rules can 
be specialized to deal not only with tags, but also with word forms, 
lemmas, or lists of these.

*Lluís Padró*
Despatx Ω-S112
Campus Nord UPC
C/ Jordi Girona 1-3
08034 Barcelona, Spain 	Tel: +34 934 134 015
Fax: +34 934 137 833
padro at lsi.upc.edu <mailto:padro at lsi.upc.es>
www.lsi.upc.edu/~padro <http://www.lsi.upc.es/%7Epadro>
Dept. Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics <http://www.lsi.upc.es>
TALP <http://www.talp.upc.es> Research Center

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