[Corpora-List] Bootcamp:

Christopher Tribble ctribble at clara.co.uk
Tue Aug 19 12:36:36 UTC 2008

Dear All - just realised I hadn't sent this to the list - only to Lou... 

My 2 cents as one of those who are involved in language education ...

My general position in thinking about teaching and learning is to start from
socially situated texts and to engage in a process of enquiry that helps me
move to a fuller understanding of what choices speakers and writers make in
order to achieve social purposes, and why they make these choices.  From
this basis I then try to consider strategies to assist language learners or
apprentice writers to make fuller and more effective contributions to
discourses that matter to them.  In doing this work the main frames of
reference that I have found most useful have been derived from what once
could broadly describe as London School Linguistics (Firth / Halliday /
Sinclair being the main players from my perspective).

Given these kinds of starting point I have found Sinclair's idiom principle,
emphasis on the central importance of collocation, and later re-drawing of
what we understand by a lexical item particularly compelling, and if you
look at recent work by Biber, Hyland and my own very small contribution.  

So yes - I'm seem to be amongst the group that tries to "ground their
pedagogic practice in language as experienced", and I agree, that this is
the line that many others in this field take.  This doesn't mean I've not
been following what's been going on this discussion - I've just not had too
much to contribute so far!


Dr Christopher Tribble
EMAIL	|| ctribble at clara.co.uk
WEB	|| www.ctribble.co.uk 
BLOG	|| http://ctribble.blogspot.com 

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