[Corpora-List] Part of Speech annotation of Persian and Urdu corpora

Mike Maxwell maxwell at umiacs.umd.edu
Tue Feb 5 01:50:52 UTC 2008

Bushra Zawaydeh wrote:
> I was wondering if anybody knows of any companies or individual 
> linguists who would do Part of Speech annotation of Persian and Urdu 
> corpora?

The Emille project (http://www.emille.lancs.ac.uk/about.php) produced a 
POS tagger and a tagged corpus of Urdu.  There is also a page off the 
ParGram project (http://www2.parc.com/isl/groups/nltt/pargram/) for 
Urdu, but at the moment it seems to be broken.

As for Persian, Karine Megerdoomian has a web page 
(http://www.zoorna.org/publications.html) listing a paper of hers 
entitled "Developing a Persian part-of-speech tagger."
    Mike Maxwell
    What good is a universe without somebody around to look at it?
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