[Corpora-List] No poverty of the stimulus

Geoffrey Sampson grs2 at sussex.ac.uk
Fri Jan 4 13:05:14 UTC 2008

Mike Maxwell misses the point.  A flying bird may not be accelerating
towards the ground, but it is not _disobeying natural laws_.  The fact
that it does not move vertically downwards merely means that the law of
gravity is not the only natural law, which is true, of course.  What
happens in nature depends on the interaction of many different laws.  I
was careful to mention a _stone_ released near the earth's surface.  My
point was that we do not observe instances of events violating natural
law (and marked as such); scientists infer physical theories purely on
the basis of observing positive instances.

Geoffrey Sampson

     Prof. Geoffrey Sampson  MA PhD MBCS CITP FHEA

     author of "The 'Language Instinct' Debate"

     Department of Informatics, University of Sussex
     Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QJ, England

     www.grsampson.net     +44 1273 678525

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