[Corpora-List] CFP: AAAI Workshop on What Went Wrong and Why

cynthia.thompson at us.pwc.com cynthia.thompson at us.pwc.com
Tue Jan 22 02:26:04 UTC 2008

AAAI-08 Workshop on
What Went Wrong and Why: Lessons from AI Research and Applications

Submissions due: April 7th, 2008

Bugs, glitches, and failures shape research and development by charting 
the boundaries of technology; they identify errors, reveal assumptions, 
and expose design flaws.  When a system works we focus on its input/output 
behavior, but when a problem occurs, we examine the mechanisms that 
generated behavior to account for the flaw and hypothesize corrections. 
This process produces insight and forces incremental refinement.  In a 
sense, failures are the mother of necessity, and therefore the grandmother 
of invention.

Unfortunately, bugs, glitches, and failures are rarely mentioned in 
academic discourse.  Their role in informing design and development is 
essentially lost. The first What Went Wrong and Why workshop during the 
2006 AAAI spring symposium [1,2] started to address this gap by inviting 
AI researchers and system developers to discuss their most revealing bugs, 
and relate problems to lessons learned.  Revised versions of the articles 
and the invited talks will be published as a special issue of the 
AI-Magazine in Summer 2008 [3].

The first workshop clarified that WWWW experiences can be studied at three 
different levels of abstraction: the Strategic (AI research in general), 
Tactical (research area) and Execution (project or implementation) levels. 
 An additional category turned out to be the study of how, why and when 
failures occur in the first place.

The second workshop will continue our analysis of failures in research. In 
addition to examining the links between failure and insight, we would like 
to determine if there is a hidden structure behind our tendency to make 
mistakes that can be utilized to provide guidance in research. 

As such, we invite researchers to submit papers (8 pages in AAAI format) 
connecting problems they have encountered to lessons learned on the 
tactical or execution level. We would also welcome papers on the study of 
failures themselves. We encourage authors to elaborate on what they 
believe was the source cause of the failure, how the problem helped them 
arrive at a better solution, and to suggest a broader categorization of 
failures and how to utilize them.  Papers should be submitted to 
submission at whatwentwrongandwhy.org

Important Dates
* Submissions Due: April 7, 2008
* Notifications: April 21, 2008
* Final Papers Due: May 5, 2008
* Workshop: July 13 or 14, 2008 (TBA) in Chicago at AAAI 2008

Chairs: Mehmet H. Göker and Daniel Shapiro 
Mehmet H. Göker, PricewaterhouseCoopers, CAR, (mehmet.goker at us.pwc.com)
Daniel Shapiro, CSLI/Stanford University, & Applied Reactivity, Inc. 
(dgs at stanford.edu)

Program Committee

David Aha (Naval Research Laboratory)
Ralph Bergmann (Universität Trier, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik II)
Carl Hewitt (MIT EECS - emeritus)
Jean-Gabriel Ganascia (University Pierre et Marie Curie, LIP6)
David Leake (Indiana University, Computer Science Department)
Doug Lenat (Cycorp Inc.)
Ramon Lopez de Mantaras (CSIC Artificial Intelligence Research Institute)
Edwina Rissland (University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of 
Computer Science)
Ted Senator (SAIC)


[1]     Shapiro, D., Göker, M. (eds.), 'What Went Wrong and Why: Lessons 
>>From AI Research and Applications', Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium, 
March 27-29, 2006, Stanford, CA. Technical Report SS-06-08, AAAI Press, 
Menlo Park, 2006.

[2]     A. Abdecker, R. Alami, C Baral, T. Bickmore, E. Durfee, T. Fong, 
M. Göker, N. Green, M. Liberman, C. Lebiere, J. Martin, G. Mentzas, D. 
Musliner, N. Nicolov, I. Nourbakhsh, F. Salvetti, D. Shapiro, D. 
Schreckenghost, A. Sheth, L. Stojanovic, V. SunSpiral, R. Wray, "AAAI 
Spring Symposium Reports" , AI Magazine, VOl 27, Nr. 3, Fall 2006, pp. 
107-112, American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Menlo 
Park, 2006

[3]     Shapiro, D. Göker, M. (eds.), 'Special Issue on What Went Wrong 
and Why", AI Magazine, Vol. 29, Number 2, Summer 2008 (to appear)

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