[Corpora-List] transcribe English text

Briony Williams b.williams at bangor.ac.uk
Thu Mar 6 10:55:06 UTC 2008

Alexander S. Yeh wrote:
> Madiha Ijaz wrote:
>> i wanted to know if there is any open source tool available that can 
>> transcribe English text in either IPA or SAMPA.
> Some indirect paths:
> 1. The CMU pronouncing dictionary maps many English words to one or more 
> pronunciations. The pronunciations are coded with combinations of ASCII 
> characters. Each combination maps to one (sometimes more) IPA symbols.

Are you looking for a US or a UK pronunciation of English?

For a US accent, the CMU dictionary (as Alexander wrote) is a good tool.

 > 2. The Festival text-to-speech system uses the CMU pronouncing
 > dictionary and other resources to make a best guess at how a word is
 > pronounced. Initially, the pronunciation is encoded in the same way as
 > in the CMU pronouncing dictionary.
 > Some people have gotten Festival to output these pronunciation codes.

This is quite easy to do within Festival. Or just grep the dictionary, perhaps?

On the other hand, if a UK English pronunciation is preferred, you could use 
the OALD which is part of the Festival distribution (bear in mind the licence 
restricts its use to non-commercial purposes only). Or alternatively use the 
pronunciation lookup feature within SFS (Speech Filing System), available at 

I hope this helps.

Best regards

Briony Williams

Briony Williams

Arweinydd Tîm Technoleg Lleferydd / Speech Technology Team Leader
Uned Technolegau Iaith            / Language Technologies Unit
Adeilad Rhos, Safle'r Normal      / Rhos Building, Normal Site
Prifysgol Bangor                  / Bangor University
Bangor                            / Bangor
Gwynedd LL57 2PX, UK              / Gwynedd LL57 2PX, UK

E-Bost / E-Mail : b.williams at bangor.ac.uk
Gwe (Cymraeg)   : http://www.bangor.ac.uk/ar/cb/technolegau_iaith.php.cy
Web (English)   : http://www.bangor.ac.uk/ar/cb/technolegau_iaith.php.en
Ffôn / Tel      : +44 (0) 1506 200862
Rhithfro / Blog : http://murmur.bangor.ac.uk

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