[Corpora-List] Spanish lemmatiser

Lluis Padro padro at lsi.upc.edu
Thu May 8 13:52:20 UTC 2008

En/na Lev Kundin ha escrit:
> Dear corpora list members,
> I need a Spanish lemmatiser for my project and I haven't been able to 
> find anything more decent than the Spanish Porter stemmer implemented in 
> perl so far (if anyone is interested => 
> http://search.cpan.org/~jfraire/Lingua-Stem-Es-0.03/lib/Lingua/Stem/Es.pm).
> Does anyone have a clue about some publicly available Spanish lemmatisers

   You can use FreeLing  Open Source suite to lemmatize and many other 
things, in Spanish and a variety of other languages


*Lluís Padró*
Despatx ?-S112
Campus Nord UPC
C/ Jordi Girona 1-3
08034 Barcelona, Spain 	Tel: +34 934 134 015
Fax: +34 934 137 833
padro at lsi.upc.edu <mailto:padro at lsi.upc.es>
www.lsi.upc.edu/~padro <http://www.lsi.upc.es/%7Epadro>
Dept. Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics <http://www.lsi.upc.es>
TALP <http://www.talp.upc.es> Research Center

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