[Corpora-List] NooJ '08 conference Budapest (8-10 June '08)

Kuti Judit kutij at nytud.hu
Thu May 22 12:02:52 UTC 2008

The Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of 
Sciences (HAS), LAboratoire de SEmioLinguistique, Didactique et 
Informatique (LASELDI, Univ. de Franche-Comté) and Maison des Sciences 
de l'Homme Claude Ledoux, France, are pleased to inform you of the 
upcoming 2008 NooJ Conference to be held in Budapest, Hungary, 8-10 
June, 2008.

NooJ is a freeware, linguistic engineering development environment used 
to formalize various types of textual phenomena (orthography, lexical 
and productive morphology, local, structural and transformational 
syntax) using a large gamut of computational devices (from Finite-State 
Automata to Augmented Recursive Transition Networks). NooJ includes 
tools to construct, test, debug, maintain and accumulate large sets 
linguistic resources, and can apply them to large texts. NooJ is used as 
a linguistic engineering development platform, a corpus processor, an 
information extraction system, a terminological extractor, a Machine 
Translation development tool as well as to teach linguistics and 
computational linguistics.

To learn more about NooJ, download the software, linguistic resources, 
manual, tutorials and reference papers: www.nooj4nlp.net.

This conference will hopefully provide an opportunity for NooJ users, as 
well as other researchers interested in corpus linguistics, to meet and 
to exchange their experience of development, research or teaching. It 
will also be the occasion to present and discover the recent 
developments of NooJ (v2.0).

The preliminary programme of the conference is downloadable from: 

Registration for the conference is online (please, register until May 
30, if you are a listener) - either via 
http://www.nytud.hu/nooj08/accreg.html or directly at: 

For any further information, please, also consult the website or turn to 
nooj08 [at] nytud [dot] hu !

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