[Corpora-List] CFP: Global Understanding in Multilingual, Multimodal and Multimedia contexts (GUM3)

Briony Williams b.williams at bangor.ac.uk
Thu May 22 14:31:01 UTC 2008

Global Understanding in Multilingual, Multimodal and Multimedia contexts (GUM3)

August 22-23, 2008

Bangor University, Wales, UK

The World Language Documentation Centre, together with Bangor University and 
Language Standards for Global Business, wishes to announce a major 
multidisciplinary conference to celebrate 2008 as the International Year of 
Languages, to be held at the Bangor University Management Conference Centre.

This event is supported by the Welsh Assembly Government and the UK National 
Committee to UNESCO.

The United Nations announced that 2008 would be the International Year of 
Languages, recognizing the importance of multilingualism in supporting 
international understanding.  The GUM3C conference will attempt to bridge the 
communications gap between academia and industry, asking (and attempting to 
answer) such questions:

     * How can industry help academia prioritize its research in the 3 Ms?
     * What are the developing standards, who are developing them and will 
they be used?
     * How will this generate peace, prosperity and global understanding?

Keynote Speakers
Christian Galinski, Director of Infoterm and Secretary of ISO TC/37
David Crystal, Honorary Professor, Bangor University
Richard Ennals, Director of the UK National Commission for UNESCO

Call for papers:
Full papers and poster submissions are invited for peer-review that present 
original and unpublished contributions to the themes of:

     * protection, curation and preservation of languages and cultures
     * resources for less-resourced languages
     * infrastructural support for multilingualism
     * language description and documentation
     * ethnicity, identity and language
     * multimodal communications and support for disabilities
     * web-corpus linguistics
     * challenges and benefits of the multilingual internet
     * multimedia ontologies and the semantic/pragmatic web

and topics generally related to challenges for terminologies, lexica, 
ontologies, and related content resources.

Call for workshops:
Submissions for dedicated workshops are encouraged. Workshop organizers 
should submit calls to the conference committee, identifying target audience, 
workshop topics, workshop organizers and their affiliations. Workshops aimed 
at SMEs and the software, translation and creative industry sectors are 
especially welcome. The conference has the use of a dedicated IT suite with 
25 computer terminals for the conference (details can be found here) and so 
is able to host specialist hands-on workshops. Other seminar rooms available 
have good quality presentation equipment including data projectors and large 

Important dates:

Submission deadline
May 30, 2008 (extended)

June 15, 2008

Registration and camera ready copy
June 30, 2008

Final author manuscripts will be 8.5" x 11" (two columns IEEE format:).  Full 
papers should not exceed 8 pages.  Poster submissions not exceeding 4 pages. 
Word template and formatting instructions can be found here.

All initial enquiries should be sent to info at thewldc.org

Administrative Committee:
Debbie Garside (Chair) , CEO WLDC
Delyth Prys (Secretary), Bangor University, UK
Chris Cox, GLMDR Quality and Compliance Manager
Mike Roberts, Chairman, BSI/TC TS/1
Lee Gillam, University of Surrey, UK.
Anja Drame, Info Term
Eva-Maria Leitner, Language Standards for Global Business Chairperson

Scientific Committee:
Anja Drame, InfoTerm
Anthony Aristar, Linguist List
Chris Cox, GLMDR Quality and Compliance Manager
Debbie Garside, CEO, WLDC
Delyth Prys, Bangor University
Don Osborn, Bisharat
Doug Ewell, IETF
Eva-Maria Leitner, Language Standards for Global Business Chairperson
Gerard Meijssen, OmegaWiki
Gerhard Budin, Chairman, ISO/TC 37 SC2
Havard Hjulstad, Chairman, ISO/TC 37 and ISO/TC 37 SC2 WG1
Jennifer de Camp, MITRE
John Cowan, IETF
Jonathan Amith, Yale University
Karen Broome, Industry Expert
Khaled Fattal, CEO, Multilingual Internet Names Consortium
Laurent Romary, Director, Max-Planck Digital Library
Lee Gillam, University of Surrey
Maosong Sun, Tsinghua University Beijing
Martin Benjamin, Kamusi Project
Michael Everson, Unicode Consortium Registrar for ISO 15924
Mike Roberts, Chairman, BSI/TC TS/1
Peter Austin, SOAS
Peter Wittenburg, Technical Director, Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Sue Ellen Wright, Kent State University Institute for Applied Linguistics

Social Events
The timing of the conference will coincide with The Bryn Terfel Gala and 
participants will be able to enjoy the evening concerts at this 
internationally renowned festival. See http://www.brynfest.com for more details.

Travel and Accommodation
Good quality accommodation is available at a reasonable Price at Bangor 
University either at the Business Management Centre or at the Halls of 
Residence. All rooms are en-suite and have Internet facilities etc.

Airports with Transport Links to Bangor
Both Liverpool and Manchester airports are within a 1.5 hour drive from 
Bangor. London airports are also within reach and may be combined with rail 

Bangor is located on the direct London to Holyhead railway line.

There is also the possibility of a shuttle bus for people coming in via 
Manchester airport.

Dublin is also possible for people flying in - fast ferry is only 99 minutes 
to Holyhead and a 20 minute ride to Bangor.

Briony Williams

Arweinydd Tîm Technoleg Lleferydd / Speech Technology Team Leader
Uned Technolegau Iaith            / Language Technologies Unit
Adeilad Rhos, Safle'r Normal      / Rhos Building, Normal Site
Prifysgol Bangor                  / Bangor University
Bangor                            / Bangor
Gwynedd LL57 2PX, UK              / Gwynedd LL57 2PX, UK

E-Bost / E-Mail : b.williams at bangor.ac.uk
Gwe (Cymraeg)   : http://www.bangor.ac.uk/ar/cb/technolegau_iaith.php.cy
Web (English)   : http://www.bangor.ac.uk/ar/cb/technolegau_iaith.php.en
Ffôn / Tel      : +44 (0) 1506 200862
Rhithfro / Blog : http://murmur.bangor.ac.uk

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