[Corpora-List] LREC 2008 Workshop on Partial Parsing -- Call for Participation

Adam Przepiorkowski adamp at ipipan.waw.pl
Sat May 24 16:19:46 UTC 2008


                         LREC 2008 Workshop on

                           PARTIAL PARSING
                  Between Chunking and Deep Parsing

                          Marrakech, Morocco
                             1 June 2008



Partial parsing has become a standard means of integrating syntactic
knowledge into high level applications such as information retrieval,
machine translation, or question answering, for which efficiency and
robustness is of importance. In comparison with chunking and deep
parsing, partial parsing consists in finding structure that is richer
than chunks but less exhaustive than full syntactico-semantic parses:
partial parsing may involve constructing nested structures (unlike
simple chunking) without creating the full parse of a sentence.
However, partial parsing is not a single concept but rather an area
ranging from chunking to almost full parsing.  This workshop will
bring together researchers who work on partial parsing in its
different interpretations.


1 June 2008

14:30--15:00  Linguistic richness and technical aspects of an
              incremental finite-state parser
              Hrafn Loftsson, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson
15:00--15:30  Partial parsing in a simple MT system
              Petr Homola, Vladislav Kuboň
15:30--16:00  Shallow parsing in sentiment analysis of product reviews
              Aleksander Buczyński, Aleksander Wawer

16:00--16:30  coffee break

16:30--17:00  Why is this wrong?  Diagnosing erroneous speech recognizer
              output with a two phase parser
              Bernd Ludwig, Martin Hacker
17:00--17:30  Chunking and dependency parsing
              Giuseppe Attardi, Felice Dell'Orletta


. Sandra Kübler (Indiana University)
. Jakub Piskorski (Joint Research Center)
. Adam Przepiórkowski (Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences) 


. Salah Aït-Mokhtar (Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble)
. Gosse Bouma (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
. António Branco (University of Lisbon)
. Erhard Hinrichs (University of Tübingen)
. Hannah Kermes (University of Stuttgart)
. Sandra Kübler (Indiana University)
. Vladislav Kuboň (Charles University, Prague)
. Petya Osenova (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Sofia University)
. Jakub Piskorski (Joint Research Center)
. Adam Przepiórkowski (Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences) 
. Ulrich Schäfer (DFKI GmbH, Saarbrücken)
. Wojciech Skut (Google Inc., Mountain View)
. Anssi Yli Jyrä (CSC -- Scientific Computing Ltd., Espoo)


PaPa2008 _at_ bach.ipipan.waw.pl


Adam Przepiórkowski                   ˈadam ˌpʃɛpjurˈkɔfskʲi
http://nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/ ----- Linguistic Engineering Group
http://korpus.pl/ ------------- the IPI PAN Corpus of Polish

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