[Corpora-List] EAMT 2009 call for papers

Harold Somers mcusshs at xchnag3.co.umist.ac.uk
Mon Nov 24 10:27:15 UTC 2008

Apologies for multiple postings:

First Call for Papers

EAMT 2009

The 13th Annual Conference of the

European Association for Machine Translation

Barcelona, Spain, May 14-15, 2009

The annual conference of the European Association for Machine Translation is intended to provide a forum for researchers, commercial developers and users to exchange ideas concerning all aspects of Machine Translation and translation-related tools and resources. The aim is to present recent research and the current state of the art in the area, explore emerging R&D trends, provide information about evaluation techniques and tools and review the translation needs for and uses of translation technologies on the part of government and industry.

Scientific Programme

This year the central theme of the conference is:

Translation among European languages, especially for languages with smaller speech communities and limited digital resources

There are 23 official languages in the EU almost half of which have fewer than 10 million speakers. In addition, there are perhaps as many as 80 additional recognized languages or dialects spoken within its territory, the majority of which have fewer than 2 million speakers. The problems faced by government and industry in providing goods and services to people in their native language, in many cases a matter of law, is at the very least daunting. At the same time, current MT development methods require large amounts of human and/or digital resources. Thus, the focus of this EAMT conference is on methods for developing translation technologies for and among languages with fewer speakers and more limited digital resources.

At the same time, contributions are welcome on all topics related to MT or translation-related technologies including:

·      MT methodologies and techniques

·      Speech-to-speech translation

·      Translation aids (translation memory, terminology databases, etc.)

·      Practical MT systems (MT for professionals, MT for multilingual eCommerce, MT for localization, etc.)

·      Translation environments (workflow, support tools, conversion tools for lexica, etc.)

·      MT embedded in other services (web search, eGovernment, etc.)

·      MT evaluation techniques and tools

·      Dictionaries and lexica for MT

·      Text and speech corpora for MT

·      Standards in text and lexicon encoding for MT 

·      Human factors in MT and user interfaces

·      Multilingual technologies (natural language generation, information retrieval, text categorization, text summarization, information extraction, etc.) 

The two-day programme will include invited talks, oral presentations and poster sessions. 

Important Dates

·      November 2008 - Initial call for papers

·      31 Jan 2009 - Submission deadline

·      23 Mar 2009 - Notification to authors

·      3 Apr 2009 - Deadline for camera-ready copy

·      14-15 May 2009 - Conference

Please visit the conference web pages (http://www.talp.cat/eamt09) for the most up-to-date information about the calendar, the call for papers and formatting requirements, the programme, invited speakers, related conference activities, the venue, travel and registration.


EAMT 2009 will be using the START conference management system.  To submit a research paper, go to the submission website at: 


and follow the instructions on the web page.  The final submission deadline for research papers is midnight GMT, January 31, 2009.

Submissions should be anonymized (no authors, affiliations or addresses, and no explicit self-reference), be no longer than eight (8) pages (A4 size), and in PDF format. Initial versions of papers must conform to the format defined by the EAMT templates available at the conference website: 


If you encounter any problem regarding submission, please do not hesitate to contact the programme co-chairs. For all other queries (e.g. visas, accommodation, payments) please contact the local organizers. (For contact details, see below)


Special-interest groups looking for an opportunity to present recent work related to MT may wish to organize a workshop.

Workshops will be held on Wednesday, May 20. 

Proposals for workshops should include the title of the workshop, a proposed schedule (e.g. call for papers, recruitment of speakers), a list of workshop activities (papers, hands-on activities, shared tasks), technical requirements, the expected number of participants, and whether this is part of an ongoing series, or new workshop.

Send submissions to local organizers.  We will evaluate Workshop proposals as soon as they are submitted. The last day for submission of proposals is December 17, 2008.

Conference Organizers  

Programme Chairs

Harold Somers (CNGL, DCU, Dublin) 

Lluís Màrquez (UPC, Barcelona).

Contact: eamt2009chairs at talp.upc.edu



Local Organization 

Centre for Speech and Language Applications and Technologies (TALP) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Contact: eamt2009local at talp.upc.edu

Local Organizing Committee

David Farwell

Jose A. R. Fonollosa 

José Mariño

Lluís Màrquez


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