[Corpora-List] Brazil: STIL 2009 - Second Call for Papers

saggion H.Saggion at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Fri Apr 17 16:31:58 UTC 2009

7th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology
               STIL 2009

            September 7-11, 2009

            São Carlos, Brazil

Second Call for Papers

STIL 2009 (formerly known as TIL - Workshop on Information and Human 
Language Technology) is the annual Language Technology event supported 
by the
Brazilian Computer Society (http://www.sbc.org.br/) (SBC) and by the
Brazilian Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing

The conference has a multidisciplinary nature and covers a broad
spectrum of disciplines related to Human Language Technology, such as
Linguistics, Computer Science, Psychology, and Information Science,
among others. It aims at bringing together both academic and industry
participants that work on those areas.

STIL-2009 welcomes research work in human language technology in
general (and not only Portuguese) in various fields. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:

  * Computer science: text mining, semantic web, information
   extraction,information retrieval, natural language interfaces,
   written and spokenlanguage processing, tagging, parsing,
   summarization, machine translation, writing tools, anaphora
   resolution, statistical language processing, NLP resources,
   applications and evaluation.

  * Linguistics: terminology, lexicology and lexicography, grammar
   formalisms,discourse analysis, ontologies, translation, corpus

  * Information science: information filtering and retrieval, digital
   libraries,document and knowledge management, knowledge modelling.

  * Natural language understanding and generation.

  * Others: work on Philosophy or Human sciences in general, related
   to language processing.

Call for Submissions:

Papers can be written in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Simultaneous
submission to other conferences is not allowed.

Submissions will be accepted in PDF format only through the JEMS SBC
system (https://submissoes.sbc.org.br). Authors should chose between
full papers for oral presentation or short papers to be presented as
posters, and should also indicate whether they accept their full paper
to be reallocated as a poster should the reviewers recommend so.

Full papers should describe complete work with significant results and
cannot exceed 8 pages in length (including tables, pictures and
references.) Short papers (posters) may describe ongoing research with
partial results, software demos etc. and should not exceed 4 pages in
length (including tables, pictures and references.)

Paper formatting  must follow the SBC  guidelines available at

As papers will be blind-reviewed, they should not display any
information regarding their authorship in the header or body of the

Important Dates

Papers/posters submission: 15 May 2009
Notification to the authors: 13 July 2009
Camera ready copy: 24 July 2009

Program Committee

Alexandre Agustini (PUCRS, Brazil)
Laura Alonso (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentine)
Sandra M. Aluísio (USP/ICMC, Brazil)
Jason Baldridge (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Gladis Barcellos (UFSCar, Brazil)
António Branco (UL, Portugal)
Ariadne Carvalho (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Helena de Medeiros Caseli (UFSCar, Brazil)
Rove Chishman (UNISINOS, Brazil)
Javier Couto (Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay)
Gustavo Crispino (Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay)
Iria da Cunha (Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Valéria Feltrim (UEL/Londrina, Brazil)
Ariani Di Felippo (UFSCar, Brazil)
Maria José Finatto (UFRGS, Brazil)
Marcelo Finger (USP/IME, Brazil)
Sérgio Freitas (UFES, Brazil)
Maria Fuentes Fort (Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Adam Funk (University of Sheffield, UK)
Michel Gagnon (Ecole Polytechnique , Canada)
Pablo Gamallo (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Caroline Gasperin (USP/ICMC, Brazil)
Claudine Gonçalves (UFES, Brazil)
Marco Gonzalez (PUCRS, Brazil)
Julio Gonzalo (UNED, Spain)
Louise Guthrie (University of Sheffield, UK)
Celso Antônio Kaestner (UTFPR/PR, Brazil)
Tracy King (PARC, USA)
Aldebaro Klautau (UFPA, Brazil)
Valia Kordoni (DFKI, Germany)
Stanley Loh (UCPEL, Brazil)
José Gabriel Pereira Lopes (UNL, Portugal)
Gabriel Infante Lopez (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentine)
Maria Luiza Machado Campos (UFRJ, Brazil)
Nuno Marques (UNL, Portugal)
Palmira Marrafa (UL, Portugal)
David Martinez (University of Melbourne Merbourne, Australia)
Ronaldo Teixeira Martins (Mackenzie, Brazil)
Diana Maynard (University of Sheffield, UK)
Ruy Luiz Milidiu  (PUC/Rio, Brazil)
Jean-Luc Minel (Universite de Paris X, France)
Paloma Moreda (Universidad de Alicante, Spain)
Juan Manuel Torres Moreno (Universite d'Avignon, France)
Daniel Nehme Muller (UFRGS, Brazil)
Constantin Orasan (University of Wolverhampton, UK)
Viviane Moreira Orengo (UFRGS, Brazil)
Manuel Palomar (Universidad de Alicante, Spain)
Ivandré Paraboni (USP/EACH, Brazil)
Thierry Poibeau (Uviversite de Paris XIII, France)
Carlos Augusto Prolo (PUCRS, Brazil)
Paulo Quaresma (Univ. Évora, Portugal)
Violeta Quental (PUC/Rio, Brazil)
Antonio Ribeiro (European Railway Agency, France)
Lucia Rino (UFSCar, Brazil)
Horacio Rodriguez (Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
João Luís Garcia Rosa (USP/ICMC, Brazil)
Karin Kipper Schuler (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Thais Cristófaro Silva (UFMG, Brazil)
Bento da Silva (UNESP, Brazil)
Alberto F. de Souza (UFES, Brazil)
Renato Rocha Souza (UFMG, Brazil)
Lucia Specia (Xerox, France)
Vera Strube de Lima (PUCRS, Brazil)
Stella Tagnin (USP/FFLCH, Brazil)
Diego Uribe (Instituto Tecnologico de la Laguna, Mexico)
Jose Luis Vicedo (Universidad de Alicante, Spain)
Renata Vieira (PUCRS, Brazil)
Leo Wanner (Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Spain)
Leandro Wives (UFRGS, Brazil)
Dina Wonsever (Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay)
Yi Zhang (DFKI, Germany)


You can contact us by emailing stil09-l at inf.ufrgs.br

General Conference Chairs:

Thiago A. S. Pardo (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Maria das Graças Volpe Nunes (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Program Co-Chairs:

Aline Villavicencio (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Horacio Saggion (University of Sheffield, UK)

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