[Corpora-List] Call for participation - Medar MT Evaluation on English-to-Arabic

Olivier Hamon hamon at elda.org
Fri Dec 11 17:37:14 UTC 2009

[apologies for multiple copies]

Call for participation - Medar MT Evaluation on English-to-Arabic

The MEDAR consortium is pleased to announce the organisation of two 
evaluation campaigns for English-to-Arabic MT. These campaigns will be 
open to external participants. Please note that Arabic is the target 
language and NOT the source.

The goal of the MEDAR project (http://www.medar.info), supported by the 
European Commission ICT programme, is to establish a network of partner 
centres working on best practices for Arabic language and speech 
processing and dedicated to promoting Arabic Human Language Technologies.

The first evaluation campaign will be held late February 2010, in 
coordination with the participants. Test data will be provided to 
participants according to an evaluation methodology and process inspired 
from TC-STAR, CESTA or MT-NIST approaches.

The second evaluation campaign will be held late June 2010. In addition 
to the test data, Language Resources for development and/or training 
will be also provided by the MEDAR consortium for the participants.

In both evaluations, automatic metrics as well as human judges will be 
used. Results will be shared with all participants.

Please send your expressions of interest to Olivier Hamon 
(hamon_at_elda_dot_org) as well as your comments or questions. This will 
not represent any obligation or commitment on your part but will help us 
estimate the number of potential participants and plan the details 
(dates, human judges, etc.) of the evaluation campaigns.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Olivier Hamon (on behalf of the MEDAR consortium)

Olivier HAMON                          hamon at elda.org
ELDA - Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency
55-57, rue Brillat Savarin             Tel : +33 1 43 13 33 43
75013 Paris - France                   Fax : +33 1 43 13 33 30
http://www.elda.org                    http://www.lrec-conf.org
http://catalog.elra.info               http://www.hlt-evaluation.org

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