[Corpora-List] Please send an email with YES if you would like to be included in the Quranic Arabic Corpus mailing list.

Kais Dukes sckd at leeds.ac.uk
Sat Dec 19 15:39:46 UTC 2009

Hello Corpora Researchers,

(1) Quranic Arabic Corpus Mailing list. Please send an email with YES to dukes.kais at gmail.com<mailto:dukes.kais at gmail.com> if you are interested so that we can include you in this list. Dr Eric Atwell, at the University of Leeds, has kindly arranged for an e-mail list to be set up for discussion of the Quranic Arabic Corpus. The e-mail address will be:

comp-quran at comp.leeds.ac.uk<mailto:comp-quran at comp.leeds.ac.uk>

A good reason to join this email list is that you can get notified of new versions of the corpus, and also "listen in" (or participate) on useful and interesting discussion on development this Quranic Arabic Resource. The Quranic Arabic Corpus (http://corpus.quran.com) attracts about 10,000 visitors per month (100,000 page views) from 116 countries worldwide, and provides word-by-word tagged analysis of the Quran (part-of-speech tagging, syntax, grammar and morphology).

The specific focus of this email list will be "development of the Quranic Arabic Corpus", and will include discussions on:

- Arabic Part of speech tagging
- Arabic Morphological analysis
- Syntactic parsing using dependency grammar
- (statistical machine) translation of Arabic to English
- Semantic mapping
- Arabic and Quranic grammar, in relation to the corpus
- Ontology development of the Quranic Arabic Corpus
- Arabic and Quranic Lexicography and word definitions
- Arabic word roots and discussions of roots in the Quran
- The relation of the Quranic Arabic Corpus to other other tagged or untagged Arabic corpora

If you reply to me, I can then send the final list of subscribers to Eric.

(2) The Quranic Arabic Corpus has now moved to http://corpus.quran.com. Thanks to the kind efforts of the team behind the quran.com network, we have now moved from a London (Windows) server to a Linux server hosted in the USA. If you encounter any problems with the new website, please do let me know!

Looking forward to hearing from you all.


-- Kais Dukes
School of Computing
University of Leeds

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