[Corpora-List] GATE summer school in July - vote on dates!

Hamish Cunningham hamish at dcs.shef.ac.uk
Wed Jan 21 14:36:43 UTC 2009

First International GATE summer school (FIG 2009)

In July this year we will hold a GATE summer school for developers,
contributors and users of the system.

The event will run over 2 weeks:

- week 1 will be for GATE developers and contributors and will be an
  opportunity to extend both the core and the plugin set
- week 2 will be tutorials for users (covering both beginner and
  advanced topics, and substantial hands-on work - see below)

You are welcome to attend either or both weeks. To help us scheduling,
please put your favourite times into this poll:


2009 will also see the official release of version 5.0, a first
public release of our collaboration system (GATE Teamware) via the IRF
(http://www.ir-facility.org/), a new support and custom development
offering from Ontotext (http://www.ontotext.com/) and a significantly
expanded effort from the Sheffield team. So watch this space!

Hoping to see you in July if not before,

The GATE team

Draft tutorial programme

- Introduction to GATE and NLP system development
  - JAPE rule writing
  - Performance evaluation
  - Corpora processing
- Information extraction in GATE
  - Introduction to information extraction
  - ANNIE - the basic GATE IE system
  - Advanced Jape rule writing
- Ontologies, ontology learning, and semantic annotation
  - Ontologies
  - Ontology learning
  - Semantic annotation
- Advanced GATE features
  - Machine learning in GATE
  - Information retrieval
  - Programming with the GATE API
  - GATE Teamware - web-based collaborative annotation
- GATE Applications and projects
  - Multimedia annotation
  - Business intelligence
  - Software artefacts analysis
  - Person disambiguation
  - A terabyte of plain text
  - Summarisation

PS for the and far-sighted and literal-minded amongst you,
I propose that next year we have the Second First workshop...

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