[Corpora-List] CFP - International Colloquium "Morphology, syntax and semantics of subordinators"

François Trouilleux francois.trouilleux at univ-bpclermont.fr
Tue Jun 16 18:17:53 UTC 2009


International Colloquium
"Morphology, syntax and semantics of subordinators"

Clermont-Ferrand, March 12-13, 2010

Subordinators are usually defined as markers which transform an autonomous, syntactically structured sequence into a dependent unit. The terms traditionally considered as subordinators belong to various categories and have different syntactic and semantic properties. Relative pronouns, for instance, are used not only to embed a clause into another, but have a syntactic function in the embedded clause. Subordinating conjunctions, while not having a syntactic function in the embedded clause, convey only a grammatical meaning or express a semantico-logical relation.

However, the identification of a subordinator or a class of subordinators as such does not rely on well-defined criteria. This is due not only to their variety, but also to their frequently ambiguous or polysemous nature (e.g. que, comme in French, ut, quod in Latin). Likewise, their position in the grammar depends on the adopted approach : from items which just relate two clauses, to phrase heads in generative grammars

This colloquium, organized by the Syntaxe et TAL team of the Laboratoire de recherche sur le langage (EA 999), aims at contributing to the understanding of subordinators. Participants are invited to a reflection on their morphology, syntax and semantics, through a confrontation of works on various languages (ancient and modern), in a synchronic and/or diachronic perspective, and to a comparison of research from different approaches : theoretical, applied, or corpus linguistics, NLP...


Participants are invited to submit summaries of articles, in French or English, no longer than two pages, examples and bibliography included.
Submission deadline : September 15, 2009.

To make the organization of the colloquium easier, people who would wish to participate are invited to contact the organizers and send a temporary title before July 15.

Each summary will be evaluated anonymously by at least two members of the scientific committee. After the colloquium, speakers will be invited to submit a complete article to be published, after a review by the scientific committee, in a dedicated volume of the Cahiers du LRL.

Practical information for the submission of summaries will be published in due time on the colloquium’s web site.


* Submission of summaries : September 15, 2009
* Notification of acceptance : November 15, 2009
* Colloquium : March 12-13, 2010


Michèle Biraud (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis)
Colette Bodelot (Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand 2)
Joseph Denooz (Université de Liège)
Hana Gruet-Skrabalova (Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand 2)
Gabriela Matos (Universidade de Lisboa)
Federico Panchón (Universidad de Salamanca)
Georges Rebuschi (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3)
José Lázaro Rodrigo Mateos (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Hannah Rosén (Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem)
Frédéric Sabio (Université de Provence)
Olga Spevak (Université de Toulouse - Le Mirail)
François Trouilleux (Université Blaise-Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand 2)
Annie Zaenen (Palo Alto Research Center)


Colette Bodelot, Guillaume Gibert, Hana Gruet-Skrabalova, François Trouilleux (Université Blaise-Pascal)


colette.bodelot [à] univ-bpclermont.fr
hana.gruet-skrabalova [à] univ-bpclermont.fr
francois.trouilleux [à] univ-bpclermont.fr


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