[Corpora-List] Full Prof (W3), Computational Linguistics, University of Heidelberg

Anette Frank frank at cl.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Mar 2 09:50:31 UTC 2009

The Faculty of Modern Languages of Heidelberg University is
filling the following post at the earliest opportunity:

Full Professorship (German W3-level) in Computational Linguistics

Unlike announced in the advertisement published in January,
the post carries tenure.

The successful applicant is expected to teach at the Computational
Linguistics Department of Heidelberg University, supporting in
particular teaching in formal linguistics and corpus-based
computational linguistics.
He or she has to be accomplished in the fields of Computational
Linguistics as well as Linguistics in general and is expected to
cooperate in teaching and research with the other linguistic
professors of the Faculty of Modern Languages.

Prerequisite for the selection by the appointment committee are
a distinguished record of scholarship and research, including
a Ph.D. and substantial post-doctoral publications. The university
is striving to increase the proportion of women in teaching and
research and therefore expressly encourages qualified female
candidates to send in an application.
Candidates with a severe disability will be given preference
over equally qualified able-bodied applicants.

Applications for the posts should include documentation (résumé
and references, list of publications and of classes taught) and
should be sent to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Modern
Languages (deadline: March 15, 2009). Application mailing address
is provided below.

Application Deadline: 15-Mar-2009
Mailing Address for Applications:
	Klaus Kempter
	Dekanat der Neuphilologischen Fakultaet
	Voßstr. 2, Geb. 37
	Heidelberg 69115
Contact Information:
	Klaus Kempter
	Email: neuphil-fak at uni-hd.de


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