[Corpora-List] Linguistic Creativity -- CALC-2009 -- Call for Participation
Anna Feldman
afeldman at ling.ohio-state.edu
Thu May 14 15:23:55 UTC 2009
Workshop of Computational Approaches to Linguistic Creativity
June 4, 2009
In conjunction with NAACL HLT 2009
Boulder, Colorado
It is generally agreed upon that "linguistic creativity" is
a unique property of human language. Some claim that linguistic
creativity is expressed in our ability to combine known words
in a new sentence, others refer to our skill to express
thoughts in figurative language, and yet others talk about
syntactic recursion and lexical creativity.
For the purpose of this workshop, we treat the term
"linguistic creativity" to mean "creative language usage at
different levels", from the lexicon to syntax to discourse
and text.
The program consists of an invited talk (see below),
eight full papers, and four posters with short presentations.
The papers are grouped into three thematic sessions:
I. Metaphors and Eggcorns;
II. Generating Creative Texts;
III. From Morphology to Pragmatics to Text.
Details are available at the workshop website:
Invited Talk
Nick Montfort (MIT):
"Curveship: An Interactive Fiction System for Interactive Narrating."
Registration, Travel, and Accommodation
You can register online before May 23, or on-site in the
foyer outside the conference rooms.
More information can be found at the main conference website:
NSF Support
The CALC-2009 workshop is supported by NSF grant #IIS-0906244.
If you are new to ACL conferences, have special needs, or
would like to receive further information for any other reason,
please contact the organizers. We are happy to help.
We look forward to seeing you at the CALC-2009 workshop!
Anna Feldman, Montclair State University
anna.feldman at montclair.edu
Birte Loenneker-Rodman, University of Hamburg, Germany
birte.loenneker at uni-hamburg.de
Programme Committee
Shlomo Argamon, Illinois Institute of Technology;
Roberto Basili, University of Roma, Italy;
Amilcar Cardoso, University of Coimbra, Portugal;
Afsaneh Fazly, University of Toronto, Canada;
Eileen Fitzpatrick, Montclair State University;
Pablo Gervas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain;
Sam Glucksberg, Princeton University;
Jerry Hobbs, ISI, Marina del Rey;
Sid Horton, Northwestern University;
Diana Inkpen, University of Ottawa, Canada;
Mark Lee, University of Birmingham, UK;
Hugo Liu, MIT;
Xiaofei Lu, Penn State;
Ruli Manurung, University of Indonesia;
Katja Markert, University of Leeds, UK;
Rada Mihalcea, University of North Texas;
Anton Nijholt, University of Twente, The Netherlands;
Andrew Ortony, Northwestern University;
Vasile Rus, The University of Memphis;
Richard Sproat, Oregon Health and Science University;
Gerard Steen, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
Carlo Strapparava, Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica,
Trento, Italy;
Juergen Trouvain, Saarland University, Germany.
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