[Corpora-List] Quick (but possibly clueless) software question

Julien Nioche lists.digitalpebble at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 10:10:21 UTC 2009

We are working on a project which allows to deploy GATE or UIMA applications
on a cluster and do very large scale text analysis. As Linas said, what you
mean by "corpus analysis" would need to be refined a bit. Our project is
based on Apache resources (Hadoop - Tika - UIMA) and will be available under
an open source licence. It is at an early stage of developement and we would
be interested in hearing about potential users as their use cases would help
with the design of the application. Feel free to get in touch if you think
that this could be relevant

Julien Nioche
DigitalPebble Ltd

2009/11/4 Spruiell, William C <sprui1wc at cmich.edu>

>  Are there any available corpus analysis tools that work by “farming”
> texts out to client programs on multiple computers (workstation cluster,
> beowulf, or just widely distributed)  and then collating the results (like
> the screensaver freeware that the SETI project distributed so that anyone
> interested could volunteer to do some of their signal analysis for them)?
> Thanks,
> Bill Spruiell
> Dept. of English
> Central Michigan University
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