[Corpora-List] Corpora containing common English words including slang.

maxwell maxwell at umiacs.umd.edu
Wed Sep 2 14:46:45 UTC 2009

On Wed, 02 Sep 2009 10:22:02 -0400, "John F. Sowa" <sowa at bestweb.net>
> MM> By this standard, Aviation English is a slang...
>  > I think the difference is that its speakers are usually looked up to.
> But that depends on whether it is spoken by an "airline captain" or
> a "fly boy".
> ...
> As another example consider the speech of two groups of young women...

Slang vs. jargon is in the eye of the beholder, in other words.  I think we
are in agreement.

> The distinction between jargon and slang is another one that is
> very hard to characterize by necessary and sufficient conditions.

Amen, brother!

I suspect the task of annotating a corpus for slargon would be quite
difficult.  Some words might be more or less automatically annotated, but
there will be many words for which sense discrimination will be necessary. 
And the border between slargon and non-slargon will in many cases be

   Mike Maxwell

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