[Corpora-List] Experienced Researcher position in Multimedia and Multimodality Resources and Technology (reannounced)

Thomas Koller Thomas.Koller at mpi.nl
Thu Apr 1 10:07:31 UTC 2010

The Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen (Netherlands) invites applications for a position as Experienced Researcher (ER) in Multimedia and Multimodality Resources and Technology.

Application deadline: 30. April 2010. Candidates who have already applied for this position in February 2010 need not reapply.

The 2-year position involves participation in the EU project CLARA - Common Language Resources and their Applications, which is a Marie Curie Initial Training Network receiving funding from the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme (cf. http://clara.uib.no/; http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/).

The specific position involves participation in the CLARA subproject Multimedia and Multimodal Communication Modeling, which is a cooperation between the Technical Group at the MPI and Københavns Universitet (UCPH). The overall aim of the subproject is the creation of multimedia and multimodal resources and advanced software based processing components in order to study human communicative behavior empirically. This will require the design and development of new types of speech and/or video processing modules and of adequate annotation schemes. The projects at the MPI and at UCPH will complement each other.

The successful applicant will be familiar and comfortable with the design and development of software in high-level programming languages and the use of well-known digital signal processing techniques and packages.

Applicants should hold a university degree (Masters/diploma or equivalent with additional four years of research experience or a PhD), and must be within the first five years of their research careers (calculated - in full-time equivalents - since being awarded the degree which allows to embark on a Ph.D, i.e. these 5 years include your Ph.D. period!). We expect the successful applicant to take up the position as soon as possible.

The salary is roughly EUR 53,000 per year. The income is taxable and all compulsory deductions under national law will be made. There are additional mobility and travel allowances (yearly allowance) as well as a career exploratory allowance. There is a budget to cover participation costs, such as attendance at CLARA events abroad. There is an intention to continue the work after the 2-years CLARA project phase.

Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

For further information about the available position (including salary enquiries) and project, please contact Thomas Koller, thomas.koller at mpi.nl

Applications should be submitted via e-mail to Thomas Koller, thomas.koller at mpi.nl 

Before applying for this position, please read thoroughly the full call at http://clara.uib.no/vacancies/er-vacancy-at-mpi/

Dr Thomas Koller
Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Wundtlaan 1
6525 XD Nijmegen
e-mail: thomas.koller at mpi.nl

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