[Corpora-List] Call: Workshop on Advanced Corpus Solutions, PACLIC 24

Janne Bondi Johannessen jannebj at iln.uio.no
Sat Apr 17 09:27:43 UTC 2010

    Call for papers:

*Workshop on Advanced Corpus Solutions,*

*PACLIC 24,*

Tohoku University, Sendai,

November 4th, 2010

Workshop web site: http://www.hf.uio.no/tekstlab/paclic/index.html
 The workshop will be arranged as a pre-conferense workshop in connection
with the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and
Computation (PACLIC 24) at Tohoku University, Japan.

 Important dates

       •  Submissions due: June 14th, 2010
       •  Notification of acceptance sent: July 26th, 2010
       •  Final versions and Copyright License Agreements due: September
13th, 2010
       •  Author registration until: September 13th, 2010
       •  Early registration until: October 4th, 2010

Submissions must be made at the Easychair
site<http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=paclic24>for the
main PACLIC conference <http://www.decode.waseda.ac.jp/paclic24/> (use the
appropriate workshop button in that form). Submissions should describe
original and unpublished work. Papers should be written in English and may
not exceed ten (10) A4 size pages, including references. The LaTeX package
is available at http://www.decode.waseda.ac.jp/paclic24/paclic24.zip. The MS
Word template is also available at
ProceedingsProceedings will be published at the Waseda University Library D
Space Collection web page:
http://www.decode.waseda.ac.jp/PACLIC-STEERING/index.html and as an ACL
Anthology. Topics

       •  Corpus tools: corpus search, results presentation, results
handling, linguistic annotation, text annotation
       •  Corpus types: monolingual corpora, parallel corpora, spoken
language corpora, multimedia corpora
  We invite papers on any language including, but not limited to, Asian

General Chair:

    Janne Bondi Johannessen,

    University of Oslo, Norway


    Eckhard Bick, University of Southern Denmark

    Lars Borin, Gothenburg University, Sweden

    Jan Pieter Kunst, Meertens Institute, Netherlands

Program Committee:

    Wirote Aroonmanakun, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

    Emily M. Bender, University of Washington, USA

    Stefan Evert, University of Osnabrück, Germany

    Stefan Th. Gries, UCSB, Santa Barbara, USA

    Dag Haug, University of Oslo, Norway

    Kikuo Maekawa, The National Institute for Japanese Language, Japan

    Adam Przepiórkowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

    Bert Vaux, University of Cambridge, UK

    Franca Wesseling, Meertens Institute, Netherlands

Janne Bondi Johannessen
Professor, The Text Laboratory, ILN, http://www.hf.uio.no/tekstlab/
President, NEALT, http://omilia.uio.no/nealt/
University of Oslo
P.O.Box 1102 Blindern, N-0317 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22 85 68 14, mob.: +47 928 966 34
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