[Corpora-List] Average Daily Word Exposure

Marc Brysbaert marc.brysbaert at ugent.be
Tue Aug 17 16:29:38 UTC 2010


in Brysbaert & Cortese 5QJEP, in press) I estimate the maximim to be  
1.4 billion for a 20-year old participant (i.e. the BNC times 140),  

20 (years)
* 365.25 (days)
* 16 (waking hours per day)
* 60 (mins)
* 200 (words per min)

Best, marc

Quoting "Ali SH" <asaegyn+out at gmail.com>:

> Hi Guys,
> I have a quick question. I'm wondering if anyone can point me towards
> studies which have looked at any one or combination of the average number of
> words that a person:
>    - hears
>    - sees
>    - reads
>    - speaks
> on a daily basis.
> I'm generally interested in the overall word daily *exposure* (I don't care
> if the words have been processed, just picked up by the relevant auditory /
> visual cortices ), though if there are studies that focus on processed words
> that's fine.
> The main "sources" I've found are via:
> http://www.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2006/09/24/sex_on_the_brain/
> which focus on words spoken. And as that article notes (and I've confirmed
> for the studies I've been able to track down), almost none of those
> "sources" actually cite or indicate how the word count was derived.
> This question is motivated by the BNC's 100 million word corpus. How many
> months / years of word exposure is that for your "average" North American(?)
> adult?
> Thank you kindly,
> Ali Hashemi
> --
> www.reseed.ca
> www.pinkarmy.org
> (?`'·.¸(`'·.¸(?)¸.·'´)¸.·'´?) .,.,

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