[Corpora-List] Search for legal English corpora

Ralf Steinberger ralf.steinberger at jrc.ec.europa.eu
Mon Dec 13 13:10:11 UTC 2010

Dear Maria José,
The JRC-Acquis corpus, which you can download from
http://langtech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/JRC-Acquis.html, contains purely legal text
(legislation), plus other text types such as international agreements, which
you may want to include in that genre.
These texts were mostly downloaded from the Eur-Lex website which Alberto
Simões just mentioned in his reply to you.
In addition to English, you will find the same texts also in 21 other
official EU languages.
I hope this helps.
Greetings to Spain, from Italy,
Ralf Steinberger (Ralf.Steinberger at jrc.ec.europa.eu) 
European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)
IPSC - GlobeSec - OPTIMA (OPensource Text Information Mining and Analysis)
URL - Applications:  <http://emm.jrc.it/overview.html>
URL - The science behind them:  <http://langtech.jrc.it/>
T.P. 267, Via Fermi 2749
21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
Tel: +39 0332 78-6271
Fax: +39 0332 78-5154
Secretary: +39 0332 78-5648 or 9478
From: corpora-bounces at uib.no [mailto:corpora-bounces at uib.no] On Behalf Of
María josé Marín Pérez
Sent: 13 December 2010 12:23
To: corpora at uib.no
Subject: [Corpora-List] Search for legal English corpora
Dear list members,
I am a researcher from the Univeristy of Murcia, Spain, and am carrying out
a corpus-driven study on a given legal English genre. I need some
information about available legal English corpora . I know of the BoLC from
the university of Bologna, Italy, and also the CUP totally inaccessible
ones, but have not found anything else.
Could you please help me? 
Thank you in advance.
Mª José Marín Pérez
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