[Corpora-List] SoNet-2010: SOCIAL NETWORKS: COMPUTING AND MINING, Call for papers, deadline July 20, 2010

Natalia Ponomareva nata.ponomareva at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 17:11:00 UTC 2010

                C A L L    F O R    P A R T I C I P A T I O N
         The Second International Workshop, September 3-5, 2010, Brno,
         Czech  Republic


The SoNet Research Center at the Department of Informatics, Mendel 
University in Brno,
and the fLexSem Research Group, Autonomous University of Barcelona,
under the patronage of the IBM Dublin Center for Advanced Studies,
invite you to the Second International Workshop SoNet-2010
"Social Networks: Computing and Mining."

Social networks are structures made of individuals or organizations tied 
by specific
types of interdependencies. The real-world structures are usually very 
containing hidden, inapparent information and knowledge waiting for 
being revealed.

SoNet-2010 includes tutorials and survey presentations from invited 
and new research results from participants focused on the recent 
topic Social Networks (SNs). Special attention is given to methods related
to  social networks and natural language processing. SoNet-2010 encourages
young researchers to actively participate in the Workshop. The 
organizers will prepare
a special student session with awards for winners.

* Deadline for paper submissions: July 20, 2010
* Notification of acceptance: July 25, 2010
* Deadline for final copy submissions: August 5, 2010

* Ricardo Baeza-Yates (tentative), Director of Yahoo! Research, 
Barcelona, Spain
* Michael Thelwall, Head of Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group, 
University of Wolverhampton, UK
* Alexander Troussov, Chief Scientist of IBM Dublin Center for Advanced 
Studies, Ireland

* Algorithms, methods, and technologies for building and analyzing SNs.
* Automatic analyses of sentiment, subjectivity, and opinions in SNs.
* Functions of similarity for searching for and clustering objects in SNs.
* Knowledge mining and discovery in natural languages used in SNs.
* Social networks and Web 2.0/3.0.
* Economic, business, environmental, and medical applications of SNs.
* Automated support for revealing plagiarism and looking for authorship 
in SNs.
* Applications in the area of social activities.
* Social networks and electronic participation of citizens in the 
management of
  regions, municipality, and communities (eParticipation).
* All other recent interesting investigations aimed at SNs.

Research papers submitted to SoNet-2010 must be original contributions. They
will be reviewed by at least two experts from the related field.
- Three kinds of submission are possible: full papers (8-12 pages), 
short papers
  (4 pages), and posters, in English only.
- Submissions must be in electronic form using Portable Document Format 
- Two possibilities for publication are being considered: Proceedings or
  a special issue of a newly established International Journal.
Please, use the SoNet web-site conference management system to submit 
your paper
or get details: <http://ui.pefka.mendelu.cz/en/sonet/SoNet2010>. At 
least one author
of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the 

* DATE and PLACE: September 3-5, 2010, Mendel University in Brno, Czech 
  Please, register (independently on submitting a paper or not) to support
  a smooth workshop organization.
* WORKSHOP FEE: 95 EUR (before August 15, 2010), 135 EUR (after this 
date or in site).
  Authors of accepted contributions must pay before August 15, 2010.
  This covers producing the Proceedings or Journal issue, cofee-breaks, 
  plus all the workshop technical expenses.
* ACCOMMODATION: Mendel University Residence (two categories, 9-19 Euros 
  person per night) or individually booked accommodation in Brno hotels.
* WORKSHOP SITE: The city of Brno <http://www2.brno.cz/index.php?lan=en>.

Please, send your potential questions to <SoNet.RC at gmail.com>.
Jan Zizka (Program Committee Co-Chair), Mendel University in Brno

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